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"Humans are all the same: they fear what they cannot know and seek dominance over what they do." ~Xandgrath, Sargent of the Skies~

A soft growl awoke Unaile, the young yellow dragon yawning as she unwound the massive wings that had helped to keep her warm during the night. Her and her flighters, armored dragons in numbered groups, had taken heavy fire the night before. The unexpected attack from the humans had wounded many of her males; one had died after being roped by an anchor-spiked chain and pulled to the ground.

"Who has recovered from the cave?" she asked Terrun as she stood on her back legs, wincing as the bone-deep wound on her back left paw burned in agony. Even though the wound was worrisome, Unaile had a reputation to uphold.

"Most of the patrol have recovered, madam, but Sazther's left wing won't fly for some time. The hole in his chest is strange and not of either natures," Terrun replied, the blue-scaled dragon looking towards the cavern's entrance. "I wonder why that is. It has never happened before," she continued, true worry lacing her usually cold voice.

"Whatever it is, we shall have to seek the answer. If the humans have found or created a new weapon that can create this problem, imagine what would happen to the army," Unaile hissed, her tail lashing back and forth.

She shuttered inwardly at the thoughts of the destruction the humans would be able to do with this new weapon. Wounds that couldn't be healed by magic? The outcome would be horrific. Still, humans always make things that have faults to them; weak points that would allow it to break or destroy itself.

Pushing the matter aside, Unaile moved to the cave entrance. Weak daylight lightened the still sleeping world; the silence right before the uproar of life. It was her favorite time to fly; when the world made the sky look full of adventure even as the potentials of death stood beneath it.

"Come, my soldiers are waiting for us," she ordered Terrun before unfurling her wings and hurtling herself into the air.

A few feet passed before she flapped hard, the force of it halting her body into a hover. Another flap sent her upward; a roar behind her announcing Terrun's ever-loyal presence.

They flew into the cold air above what little clouds there were, the distance from the ground far enough for them to look like the size of hawks. They headed towards the blue-hazed mountains in the northern perimeter, both keeping apace to one another. Two hours later, Unaile landed into the ledge of the wounded's cave. Terrun followed suit as she passed the two guards who bared their teeth at the arrival of newcomers; one male and the other female.

They quickly hushed at the sight of their sergeant and lieutenant slithering past them. The male made a hasty apology, but Unaile ignored it as she delved deeper into the earthy darkness. It was easy finding the chamber of soldiers. Their voices echoed over the passage way; some of anger, others of agony. All voices stopped when Unaile and Terrun came into the chamber.

Most of the crowd had some sort of bandage or open gash. A few laid near the back, obviously the few whom hadn't been so lucky. Her heart lurged at seeing her oldest friend, Angushin, with them. She had to refrain herself from rushing to his side and accelerate his healing.

Returning her gaze to the men, Unaile cleared her throat and spoke with a powerful clarity,"You have all suffered a great humiliation. One done by no other than common mortals. I know your teeth wish for a sinking vengeance, for I also seek it to be avenged. But we must return to the Council to inform the King and Queen of this."

Loud roars arose as the angered patrol shouted protest to her decision. She had expected her men to react in such a way, but it didn't matter how much the need to teach the humans a lesson once more nagged at her, Unaile had to follow her orders. And to add to it all, the Council needed to be alerted about the new weapon and the danger it posed.

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