Chapter 2: Happy Memories and New Memories...

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Time Skip & Y/n's POV

I had just open the last box as Edd had just finished fixing a crooked poster on the wall that was apparently too annoying to leave be. I looked in the box to find pictures of Matt and I when we were kids. We were standing in front of a crane machine trying to win a toy. I remember that day well, even though it had been so many years ago.

Matt was overly determined to get a syllable-playing monkey. Eventually, he asked me to try and get it for him, since I was usually better at crane machines. I gave it a shot, but I failed five times, which was kinda something that didn't happen often. I was the crane machine master! After the third try I began to get aggravated. So, after my fifth try, I decided to try another method. This method was fail proof........

I would break the glass to the crane machine and just take it. But our parents soon found us when they heard me trying to break the glass. It had a few cracks in it, but my parents stopped me from going further. I got in trouble for it, but it was still a happy memory nonetheless. I put the picture frames around the apartment, and I looked through them, I happily reminisced my child hood.

"Well, we're done..." I said.

"That's it, really? Time really flies!" He replied with a smile.

"Edd, you can't be serious. It's been four hours!" I said with surprise. Honestly, it felt longer than it had actually been.

"Time flies when you're having fun, right?" He asked shrugging his shoulders.

I laughed lightly when he said that he was having fun. Moving furniture and unpacking can be a really boring process. I guess he found it fun? I wouldn't know why though. Especially since he seemed nervous when talking to me at times. Oh well, probably just my paranoia.

"Hey, y/n?"


"Well, Matt, Tom, and I were going to the store tomorrow. I was wondering if you wanted to come with? You know since you don't actually have food or anything yet...?"

"Yeah sure! What time tomorrow?"

"10 o'clock, we were gonna grab lunch when we got there... So, what are you gonna do for food tonight?"

"I'll probably ask Matt for something, why?"

"I was just wandering, if you want, we can all have dinner at my place tonight? Just so you, Tom, and I can, you know, get to know each other? Think of it as a house warming party!" He said this with a nervous smile. He rubbed the back of his neck while he said this, too.

"Sure! Do you want any help cooking?"

"No thanks, I got it! I'll let you know when it's ready!... Uh, bye y/n!" And with that, he took off out the front door quickly. He seemed, eager, to say in the least. Shortly after he left, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I took out my phone to see a message from Matt:

"Hey, sis! If you're not busy, wanna hang out so we can hang out and catch up for a bit?" It said.

"Yeah! I'll be over in a bit! See you then! XP" I replied.

Edd's POV

"No thanks, I got it! I'll let you know when it's ready!... Uh, bye y/n!" I quickly dashed out the door and closed it swiftly behind me. I turned to look forward and I leaned against y/n's door.

She is amazing... She seemed so nice... How did I go this long without knowing Matt had a sister? She didn't really look like Matt a ton. She didn't act like him either. She was funny and full of fun without the childish behavior. She was smart, that's for sure... I kinda feel bad that she had to drop out of college to come here. But she's smart, I think she can get back into college easily if she really wanted to. I really like her... But, I need to get to know her better first... One things for sure, I really need to cook a good dinner tonight!


Hey, sorry that this chapter is super short again! So sorry! I really want to make it longer but I'm kinda out of it at the moment right now. So here's what I'm thinking... How about I post a chapter of my Edd x Reader and a chapter of my Rick x Reader at least once a week each? If I write in the middle of the week then I will definitely post additional chapters! Once I reach this week Thursday though, I WILL BE FREE!!! Well I will be for two weeks anyways. Winter Break is finally less then a week away! YAY! And I will definitely post a ton of chapters then. Again I'm sorry that I've been kinda out of writing recently. It's just that when I finally get the chance to write, I find myself getting really deep in thought and I've been dealing with some strange psychological issues. But it'll pass eventually! Anyways, I'm out for the night!
    ~Eclipse/Rain (Call me either, if you need an explanation of why I have multiple aliases, just ask and I'll gladly explain!)

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