Chapter 5: Pylo and Patch [Pau and Pat] (READ THE A/N)

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So, quick note, most of you know about the situation with Paul and Patryck leaving Eddsworld, I'm not gonna lecture anyone. Most are changing the names from Paul and Patryck to Pau and Pat, but I'd rather just change the names as a whole.

That being said, Paul is now known as Pylo; and Patryck will now be known as Patch.

I'm changing them because I figured it would be the best solution for their problem. To me, Pau and Pat are still very similar and I don't want to cause them anymore trouble.

Now that I've explained... On with the chapter!


Y/n's POV

"So, watcha gonna do tomorrow Y/n?" Tom asked when we were all hanging out at Edd's place.

"I dunno," I replied. "I've just been laying around the house a lot recently, sooo I'm probably gonna try to get out tomorrow." I told him. I then looked over to Matt and Edd, "That reminds me, I've been meaning to ask you guys; is there a park nearby?" I asked.

"Yes actually! There is! We should go there now! We can show you where it is!" Matt jumped from his seat.

"Actually, Matt, why not instead we have Edd show your sister? I don't feel like going anywhere right now," Tom says lazily, adjusting himself so that he was in a more comfortable position.

"Well, I mean, Matt can still come with us, and Tom can stay home," Edd said with a shooken voice, his face paling a shade lighter every two seconds.

"Nonsense!" Matt said as if it was the most ridiculous thing he had ever heard, "It'll be fine, Tom's right, I should stay here. Ya know, to make sure Tom doesn't drink all the Smirnoff again. I mean, you remember what happened last time," Matt finished. Edd began to hum while lightly stroking his chin has if he had some sort of invisible wizardous beard.


Edd's POV

~Fffllllaaaaash baaaaaack~

Matt and I had just come home from going out bowling one night. Tom didn't come with, he has problems with bowling alleys. I think he said the reason was that something bad happened to his mum at a bowling alley when he was seven. But he didn't really go into much detail.

We unlocked the front door to the house, that is, the house before it had been destroyed by that trader... Anyways, we opened the front door, well, we tried to. The door wouldn't budge, and we could hear the clinking of glass against the door.

At one point, we decided to just forget the door, and to find some other way into the house. We walked around the side and peered through the living room window. It was completely dark, so we couldn't see anything. I tried to open the window, but the moment I couldn't lift the glass pane, Matt shouted "hit the deck!"

Two seconds later and my skull would've become permanently fused with the bowling ball that had just left Matt's hand, becoming 'air born'.

The bowling ball crashed through the window and both Matt and I shuddered at the sound of the bowling ball's trail of destruction. Once the last lamp fell from it's shelf, and the night was once again replaced with the chirping of some nearby crickets, I gave Matt a look that said 'really?' Before annoyedly rolling my eyes and huffing quietly.

Matt and I carefully climbed through the shattered hole of glass. Once inside, we felt around the walls for a light. Kicking around random, shattered debris. It felt extremely strange because I would've never guessed that we had so many glass appliances. The living room floor felt entirely covered, almost feeling like it had been entirely littered with glass.

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