Chapter 5

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Guess whaaaat?😁

That's right, New chapter!😊

For all of you who have been asking for some sex scenes, it will come later in the story. I promise, you perverts.😉

Or you could read my yaoi one-shots!😃


Disclaimer: Blah blah blah😒

Dun dun dun!😘

Sasuke PoV

We arrived to the Snow land in 4 days time. The journey was uneventful, and very boring. Even Naruto seemed a little subdued, his cat ears and tail pointed downwards.

I grumbled grouchily and shifted my bag. I don't see why we had to do this mission anyway.

Soon, We entered the Land of Snow.

My jaw dropped in shock. The temperature and magically fallen about 70 degrees. Now, it was -20 degrees.

Naruto next to me let out a soft cry of shock. Iruka and Kakashi immediately huddled together.

"WHUAHH!!" Naruto jumped up and down, hugging himself. He was wearing nothing but a light hoodie and his ninja sweatpants.

"The actual heck?' He screamed. "WHAT'S WRONG WITH THIS LAND?

"Lets go to the nearest inn." I muttered, dragging him along. I was frozen numb too. I was wearing a coat and sweatpants, because I wasn't as stupid as him.

As soon as we found an inn, Naruto ran inside like his tail was on fire.

"Finally!" Naruto moaned.

A man who was walking by looked at us sympathetically.

"First time here?" He asked. Kakashi nodded, and wrapped an arm around Iruka's shoulders.

"Ahh, you're ninja, aren't you?" Iruka nodded.

"Come, you are free of charge. This way, please."

After the man kindly directed us to our rooms, We all collapsed on the beds.

"Well, now we know why it's called, "The land if Snow'." I said. Naruto chuckled in agreement.

Iruka shivered, and snuggled up into Kakshi. Boy, how much I wish Naruto would do that.

*3 hours later*

It was 11:30. Kakashi and Iruka were asleep, but Naruto and I were awake. Not really my fault though. Narutos teeth were chattering so loudly I could here them.

I sighed, giving up. "Naruto," I said. I opened my arms."Come here." I was blushing furiously as I said this.

"W-ehat!" He stuttered. "No way!"

I rolled my eyes. "you're so cold I bet people from other rooms can hear you." I told him.

"No! Are you mental?"

"Dobe, come here." I glared at him angrily. Naruto gulped and did what I told him to.

Jeez, he really was cold! He huddled in my arms, and he was extremely tense.

"Naruto." I sighed. "I won't rape you."

"I know that," He said indignantly. But he did relax, nonetheless.

"...Sasuke?" He mumbled a few minuets later.

"What?!" I asked.

"Umm...... 'Night." He whispered, then buried his head in my chest in embarrassment. My eyes softened at his cuteness.

"'Night, Naru."

Naruto PoV

Gahh, Morning already?

I lifted my head up lazily to see myself wrapped in Sasuke's arms.


Then memories of last night came rushing back at me. Oh, that's right.

I decided to pretend to be asleep to see what Sasuke would do next. Yes, I'm sneaky in that way..... Jk, not really >•<.

Sasuke PoV

I woke up in the morning to see Naruto in my arms. I smiled softly at him. Thank god he wasn't awake..... (A/N: or is he?😜)

I brushed a piece of his golden hair out if his eyes. Then I pressed my lips to his forehead.

Well, I thought he was asleep. I wasn't expecting his eyes to fly open in shock. His huge azure eyes stared at me in shock. I looked wordlessly back. Oh great, now what was I supposed to say?!

"UM......." I stuttered. God, help me.

Yes, there you go😊

Today, my dad picked up a Naruto book. He was like, "Katherine, here's your Nee-air-oo-toe and Sa-soo-kee book." I cracked up.😂

Anyways, byeeeeee!💁✌

~Katherine OUT!🙌

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