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Taurus and Pisces are both all about pleasure. Taurus represents the art of love making, tenderness and sensuality. The sign of Pisces is a culmination of a sexual encounter – orgasm. This is a place where Venus is exalted, magical, mysterious and unbelievably satisfying for Taurus' ruler. They have the ability to get lost in each other, make their dreams come true and satisfy each other by pure existence.

When it comes to sex, Taurus can easily end up in a rut if their partner isn't inspiring or creative enough. They don't even care, for as long as their emotional needs are met and their physical body respected. Pisces on the other hand, get lost in sexual experiences, and can even find them toxic if their impressions on other people are unrealistic. When they meet the right Taurus partner, they can be intrigued and relieved by their nature, for what they see is actually what they get.

Because of the emotional nature of the sign of Pisces and their deep sense of purpose, will feel loved to the point of getting lost in the sexuality of their partner. They will both pay very little attention to their own pleasure because of all those feelings guiding them. This is almost always a giving relationship where both partners are equally satisfied when it comes to sex.


Because of the Pisces' tendency to enter each relationship with an idealistic approach, there is a great chance they will open up to their Taurus partner as soon as they realize how stable and secure they seem. The beauty of their contact is in the fact that when together, they both lose their need to hide and let their emotions grow with ease.

The sign of is a sign of mutable quality, and they can unexpectedly change, without a clear reason. If this happens, Taurus will know that the trust is lost, however their relationship seemed just a couple of minutes ago. It is a deep sense of broken intimacy, lost in the Pisces' need for emotional exhilaration. Basically, when Pisces partner gets bored, they start to think of excuses and lies, before they even realize that their relationship is over. It is up to Taurus to understand the flakiness of their partner. When they do, they can either accept the situation and fight for love, or end the relationship and move on.


Taurus and Pisces probably won't have the need to talk much. Instead, they will understand each other through all types of nonverbal communication, curious about each other's next movement. Subtlety of Pisces is something truly inspiring for Taurus and they will feel the need to get to know every detail in their partner's behavior. Both of these signs are not very talkative and Pisces even lead Mercury to its fall. This is why they really need to form a strong emotional bond and listen to each other through very little words.

That field of talent and creative energy that Pisces carries along goes well with Taurus' need for beauty. Unfortunately, they can get lost in the world of Pisces and really lose that grip they have on reality. At first, this will be like a drug, an addiction, something they have been waiting for their entire life. As time goes by, the feeling will not be this good, for they will lose touch with themselves and have a feeling they don't know who they are anymore. The most important thing for Taurus in a relationship with Pisces is to stand their ground and hold on to their common sense, practicality and their usual need to live in reality.


Taurus and Pisces have a magical emotional connection. For as long as Pisces don't change their mind and swim off, their relationship should be filled with love and wonder. With Pisces exalting Venus, the ruler of Taurus, this is not only love but adoration. Taurus will feel, for however long, like the center of someone's world, loved and cherished to the point of unbearable beauty. If this feeling goes on, they could stay in a beautiful relationship for a very long time.

As soon as Pisces partner feels this beautiful emotion dying down, they will make a spontaneous maneuver to distance themselves from their Taurus partner. The funny thing is that in most cases Taurus won't be hurt at all. That simple feel of inadequacy will be enough for both of them to let distance take its course. Even though Taurus has a tendency to get emotionally bound to their partner, their potential separation from Pisces will be as coming back to reality more than a devastating event.


Taurus is turned to a material reality and Pisces to an emotional one. Their values differ a lot, but the one they share is incomparable to others – love. No other sign of the zodiac can truly understand the way these two value love, especially when they are in love with each other.


The main problem these signs will run into is in the fact that Taurus is a fixed sign and Pisces mutable. This can lead to a lack of understanding when it comes to the way they want to spend their time together. At first, they will enjoy the same things, but Pisces partner will get bored very soon if the scenery doesn't change. It is not like them to stay in one place for too long. When Taurus is found in a beautiful situation, they will want to stay in it forever, holding on to the first image even when the beauty of it fades. This will slow down all movement and could really annoy their Pisces partner.


This is a relationship based on love and full of it while it lasts. They both crave romance and beauty in their lives, and will do anything that is needed to keep the beauty going between them. Taurus will give their Pisces partner a chance to connect to the real world, showing them how to ground their creativity, while Pisces will lift up Taurus and make them a bit softer and more flexible. They seem to be on a mission of convincing them that true love exists. When their relationship is over, they will both know it instantly and very often a conversation about a breakup would be redundant. If they savor their trust and nurture the beauty of love they share, their relationship can last and be as inspiring as a dream coming true.

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