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The intensity of emotional contact and intimacy between a Libra and a Sagittarius will mostly depend on other factors in personal charts, but they will most certainly enjoy their sexual relationship. They are a very good match when it comes to sexuality, for no partner here feels pressured and there is just enough room for both of them to grow, develop, build their self-esteem and feel secure in each other's arms.

Ruled by two benefic planets, Venus and Jupiter, their main objective is to form an enjoyable sexual relationship, with a primary goal to make each other happy. For this goal, they will experiment a lot, and try out new things, everything followed by a smile and a sense of lightness, as if sex wasn't really a big deal in the first place. The seriousness of Libra linked to its exaltation of Saturn will give their entire relationship endurance and stability, while their ruling Venus working together with Jupiter, gives enough romance, sexual desire, tenderness and might lead them to a fairytale ending. This combination of planets forms Neptune in a way, and speaks of the growth of satisfaction leading to orgasmic pleasure, even though both signs might not seem at all sexual to some other members of the zodiac.


As stated above, rulers of Libra and Sagittarius are closely linked to Neptune and the challenge of trust is one of the most important experiences that this relationship gives. They can both go to extremes, either having unrealistic faith in each other or mistrusting every word and every action that is made. The only way to keep the image of trust for these signs seems to be to always stay in a fairytale, unrealistic state, and this is something a Sagittarius will never want to do. If truth isn't lived, nothing in the world is beautiful for a Sagittarian Sun. As soon as they start their search for something different, Libra will sense the change and become frustrated by their inability to create oneness with a partner they love.


It is wonderful to watch how soft Libra gets, forgetting about Saturn and their own responsibility, as Sagittarius' childish nature melts their heart. Even if this isn't something with a promising future, for no one can run from their true nature, it will bring them both joy and happiness at least for a little while. Libra partner will be able to relax next to someone who doesn't judge, and Sagittarius partner will feel like their energy is well focused on someone that needs some youth, warmth, light, optimism and creativity in their life.

For as long as they don't brush on ego problems, their communication and intellectual compatibility are a given. The main problem that will eventually surface and need to be dealt with, is in the forces of their Suns. Libra's Sun is weak, and they will easily give the wheel to someone else who will make positive decisions and moves for them. Sagittarius has too much fiery energy in their Sun, active, taking action and always prepared to give some of it even if nobody asked for it in the first place. This could lead to a subtle, hidden, will imposing and a character shift that will leave them both bruised for respect when a light is finally shed on the issue.


This is one of the most compatible couples when it comes to the emotional side of their relationship. It is not easy for any one of them to find love and share it with someone. They are, after all, an Air and a Fire sign. Even though Libra is ruled by Venus, it is linked to the mental processes, social adaptation and communication through its element, while has passionate feelings, but uses their head, spreading their philosophy, more than actually feeling.

When they get together, they seem to be able to find a balance in which both of them use their heads just enough, and give each other enough room for love to be born. This is a bond that gives both partners the opportunity to understand how deep their emotions can go, as beneficent rulers make way for feelings to surface in a supporting atmosphere. Even though their relationship is not always meant to be the one they will stay in for life, it could prepare them for a love they seek, giving them a glimpse of what they are capable of.


These partners will value the strength of mind in a way that is understandable only to them. Libra doesn't seem like a creative person to others, but a Sagittarius sees their intellect through communication and motivates them to show their warmth. This leads to shared value of their entire relationship and an intellectual understanding that gives them room to build their shared philosophy. Even if they don't start their relationship in the same place, they will have the opportunity to build similar values in time, showing each other what's truly important.


Even though we could easily assume that a Libra and a Sagittarius will have lots of things to do together, there is a great chance that their choices of activities won't be so similar. wants to stick to their usual routine, and make fieldtrips to things that interest them from time to time. Sagittarius wants to move from any routine and live a life travelling the world. There are exceptions to this rule, of course, and there are uplifted Libras that will want to travel the world, as much as there are Sagittarius representatives that want to follow a certain trail, while fantasizing about their reality. However, in most cases, their needs won't fit that well and they will probably face the challenge of their usual ego battle while choosing what to do together.


The relationship of Libra and Sagittarius is in most cases a beneficent bond that allows these partners to develop their emotional, inner worlds and build their lives without negative influences. However, there is an archetypal battle between them, for Saturn exalts in Libra and doesn't really care for his son, Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius. This could easily lead to a struggle for supremacy and a battle to reach the ruling position among them. This comes as a continuation of Libra's bruised Sun and a Sagittarius will fit in perfectly with the need to give away every sense of pride out of some childish convictions. The only way for them to be happy together, is to respect each other fully and let each other do what they are meant to do. Libra should stick to their relationship and love, ruled by Venus, while Sagittarius should stick to their convictions and width, ruled by Jupiter, multiplying the love Libra provides.

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