Family Matters

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I wake up and Tahj isn't laying next to me. I grab my robe and head to the bathroom. No sign of him in there.

"Tahj" I yell.


I head downstairs and as soon as my foot hits the last stair a delicious aroma enters my nose. I walk into the kitchen and there's two plates sitting on the table but no Tahj. I grab my plate and head to the stove to start fixing my food.

"Damn babe, you're already up." Tahj says startling me.

I turn around and he's standing there with his hands behind his back like he's hiding something. "I wanted to wake you up and surprise you with breakfast." he continues.

"I woke up and you weren't in bed."

"Yeah, I know. I went to the store and there's are for you." Tahj hands me a basket filled with flowers, my favorite snacks, lipsticks, perfume and a few other goodies.

"Awe babe you didn't have to do this" I say getting a little emotional.

"I did. I fucked up and I know this doesn't make up for it but I'm trying."

"All that matters is you trying" I tell Tahj. "I'm gonna put the past behind me and we're gonna be a family."

As much as I know that Tahj's no good for me I just can't let him walk out my life. There's no way I'm raising our baby by myself. I've always wanted a family and by any means necessary I'm gonna have the life that I've always dreamt of.

"I was thinking we could spend the day together. Just you and me" Tahj says picking me up and placing me on the table.

"I would love that."

"Great." Tahj says giving me a kiss on the forehead. "But first go brush your teeth." He picks me up from off the table and places me back on the ground. "What's wrong with my breath?" I ask getting offended.

"Just go brush 'em and hurry up before all this food gets cold."

Tahj never use to complain about my morning breath. In fact he was always the one kissing on me first thing when he woke up. Now all of a sudden he gets a little whiff of mine and can't kiss me.

"And make sure you get that crust from around your mouth and eyes." I hear Tahj yell as I'm heading up the stairs.

~ later on that day ~

"Today was so much fun."

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself Ky, you deserved this." Tahj says opening the door for me. After we had breakfast this morning we began our day. Tahj took me the hair salon and got my hair done for me then afterwards we went to the mall and did a little shopping. I found this cute dress and Tahj insisted on buying it and bringing me back to the house to change into it. We left the house and were off to enjoy spending the rest of the day together. Tahj and I went to the movies and afterwards we had dinner. The evening was going so great. Just when I thought the night was over Tahj surprised me with taking me to spa and having me pampered.

We got home a little after 7 and I'm completely worn out.

"Babe I'll be right back." Tahj says.

"Where you going?" I ask while taking off my heels.

"I'm bout to run over to mama's house, I'll be back." Tahj says.

"You want me to come with you? I can run upstairs and grab my slippers."

"Nah you stay right here. I'll be right back, I promise it won't take that long." He walks over to give me a kiss and before I can even say anything he's out the door. I grab the remote and my blanket and get comfy on the couch. Before I know it sleep takes over and I'm drifting off.

*buzz buzz*

I wake up to my phone vibrating nonstop. I check my phone and there's a ton of Facebook notifications.

"Who the hell?" I ask out loud.

I open up the Facebook app and immediately I realize that this isn't my page. I was still logged in on Z's page. "Okay I'm about to log out because this bitch here got it going on" I say to myself again out loud while strolling down Zaree's newsfeed. Her Facebook page was definitely lit.

As I'm scrolling I come across pictures of Tahj and some girl. It's Nicole.

Me being me, I click on Tahj's page and there's several pictures of Tahj and Nicole at what looks like a party or some event. There's pink and blue balloons everywhere and the place is decorated very nicely. However I can't help but to notice that Tahj is in the same clothes that he just left my house in. Confused, I keep scrolling through his pictures and bam, there it was.

There was Tahj standing behind Nicole holding her stomach. Clear as day she's pregnant.

Unable to say anything I keep scrolling through Tahj's pictures and there's a video. I turn up the volume on my phone and hit the play button.

An older lady has the mic and begins to say, "I wanna thank you all for coming out to my daughter's and future son-in-law baby shower. Everything turned out great and now the moment you've been waiting for, it's time to reveal the gender of the baby."

I can feel myself fighting back tears and there's a huge lump forming in the back of my throat.

"Now if you would, could Tahj and Nicole please come forward" Nicole's mom continues. They both get up and walk hand in hand. "I let my daughter take over from here."

Nicole grabs the mic and begins to speak, "Over there, there's three boxes babe. One by one you're going to open the box and a balloon is going to fly out. The last box and the last balloon color is the gender of the baby."

I watch as Tahj heads over to the three boxes. He opens the first one and a blue ballon flies out. The audience begins to clap and cheer. Next he opens the second box, it's another blue balloon. "It's a boy!" someone yells.

"The moment of truth everyone" Nicole says. "Will it be a boy or a girl?"

Tahj opens last balloon and out comes a million pink balloons. Unable to watch anymore I close out the app and the tears start falling. Not only was she having his first child but she was having a girl. That was supposed to be me in that video.

Nicole was trying to take over my spot.

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