Niall's POV:
I'm waken up by Louis sometime around 7:00 am.
"WAKE UP YOU LAZY ASS!" Louis shouts in my ear.
I sit up quickly and hit my head on the bunk on top of mine that Liam sleeps in.
"Ow," I mutter.
"Get up, it's already 7 and we were supposed to wake up at 6:30," Harry reminds me.
"Okay, okay," I groan and roll out of bed.
I grab a shirt and put it on with my sweatpants. Walking into the kitchen, I'm greeted by the face of the most beautiful girl in the world.
"Good morning, Niall!" Emma greets me enthusiastically.
"Morning," I respond.
"How did you sleep?" She asks politely, jumping onto the countertop. I grab a granola bar from the cabinet jump to sit next to her.
"Good. What 'bout you?" I reply.
"Great!" answers Emma with her usual bright smile on her pretty face.
She's beautiful.
"What?" Emma asks.
Did I just say that our loud?!
"Yeah," Emma says and giggles her cute giggle.
Damn, she's adorable.
I hope I didn't say that our loud, too.
"You did," Emma comments, blushing.
"I really need to stop thinking," I laugh. "I obviously can't keep it inside my head."
"You really can't."
"So... um, the boys and I have the night off tonight, and, uh, I was wondering... if you maybe wanted to... go out to dinner with me?" I ask Emma nervously. I really hope she says yes. If she doesn't things will be pretty awkward between us.
"Is Niall Horan asking me on a date?" Emma jokes.
"Uh, yes. But if you don't want to, I understand."
"Of course I want to, Niall!" Emma replies. Yes! "But I'm not sure if I'll be allowed to," she continues. Oh.
"I can talk to your father and ask him," I suggest.
"You can try," she says, her cheerful mood gone.
"What's wrong?"
"It's just... I know my parents won't let us."
"But why?" I wonder.
"I'm not allowed to distract you guys. And going on a date with you will distract you, apparently," Emma sighs.
Just as I open my mouth to speak, Zayn walks into the kitchen.
"Vas happenin', guys?" he greets us with his signature phrase.
"Hey," Emma replies.
"Why the long face, kiddo?" Zayn asks messing up Emma's hair.
"Kiddo? Really? I'm seventeen, Zayn," she says. "And it's nothing. I'm gonna go."
"Me too," I add and jump off the counter with Emma, except she heads for the living room area, whereas I go to change into a real outfit.
Emma's POV:
I really want to be able to go. Like really, really want to go. But I'm 99% sure my parents will say no.
I really like Niall. He's sweet and funny and nice and not to mention, he's HOT. Those sparkling blue eyes that enchant me when I stare into them. His perfect hair. His bright smile and adorable laugh.
I can see myself having a future with Niall. We'd be happily married and living in a big house with lots of kids.
But, yeah like that's really gonna happen. As if. He's just going to go off and marry someone else, someone who is much better than I ever will be.
I look up to see Megan walking into the room with a glass of milk in her hands.
"Hey," I mumble with my head in my hands.
"You okay?" Megan asks while sitting down next to me and rubbing by back in a comforting way.
"Not really," I sigh.
"What happened?" Megan questions.
"Niall asked me out on a date."
"And that's bad?! I thought you had a huge crush on him!" Megan exclaims.
"I do."
"Than why are you depressed about it?"
"Because my parents won't let me," I sob.
"Did you ask?"
"No, but I already know their answer. They've told me I won't be able to like 30 times already."
"Oh, that's to bad. Why don't you guys just have a secret relationship? That would be so cool!" Megan suggests.
"We're not in a relationship. He asked me on a date, not to be his girlfriend," I reply.
"Yeah, well how's your life?" I ask.
"Great! Guess what, guess what, guess what!!!" She urges me.
"What?" I ask.
"LOUIS ASKED ME OUT!" Megan screams.
"Really? It's about time you guys make it official," I say.
"I know!"
I'm happy for Megan, I really am. But I can't help but feel a pang of jealously that she gets to date Louis but I can't date Niall.
"Sorry, I couldn't help but overhear. You're dating Louis Tomlinson?" Ally asks, appearing in the doorway.
"Of course you overheard! Megan screamed it for the whole bus to hear," I laugh.
"Very true," Ally agrees.
"Who's this?" Megan wonders aloud.
"Oh right! I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce you two. Megan, this is Ally, she's Lou's assistant. Ally, this is Megan, my best friend," I inform my two friends.
"Oh, well hello, Ally!" Megan says with a smile.
"Hi!" Ally says back. "I've got to get going, Lou needs me. See you guys later!"
I watch as Ally exits the room, and only Megan and I are left sitting on the couch.
"I better go too, my mom wanted to talk to me," Megan excuses herself.
"Oh, ok. Bye," I respond, and stand up to go lay in my bunk and think.
I could use some alone time right now.
Hey guys yay Niall asked Emma out!
I'm happy about it I don't know about you.
Megan and Louis are dating!
Plus it was a quick update :P
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Thanks a lot :)
~Alexa <3

Forbidden {Niall Horan}
FanfictionEmma Green is a typical 17 year old girl, right? Well, not quite. Unless you think someone's dad being a bodyguard for One Direction is normal. But who does? Really? Emma is just about the luckiest girl ever. She has a great best friend, an a...