Kim Jongin

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My heart was beating faster and faster as our car approach the gate. "are you ok?" my father asked.

"do i really have to answer that?" i answered a little annoyed.

"Hahaha! It's ok, chill out sis! You're gonna be fine trust me" Matt cheered me up.

Easy for him to say that. It's my first year in college and i will be taking tourism course. Finally! our car stopped at the gate.

"OK here we are, Good luck Yuri" Matt.

"Good luck Baby Girl" Dad hugged me.

"Thanks Dad" i answered with a plain expression because of nevourness. Iam trying to act cool and calm in front of them but inside of me, my heart is gonna explode. I stepped out of the car and waved goodbye to them. OK so This is it! Iam standing in front of the school gate and it says "Seuol National University" There are so many questions running on my mind. Ok I have to pull myself together. I entered the gate and here comes nothing.

"Goodmorning Mam!" the school guard greeted and I smiled back.

As i looked at my schedule, I was shcoked! It's already 8:30 am and my first class at 7:30am. OMG I am one hour late. SH*T!  So I ran off the building and looked for Room 301 as fast as I can, and after maybe 10 minutes. "There! 301!"

Knock Knock!

A woman wearing a cream casual dress opened the door.

"Are you from this section?" she asked.

"Uhm yes, I'm sorry I'm late."

"No, It's ok, come in and find you spot, well there's actually one seat left so come on in"

She's a small woman with an apple cut hair. Mostof my classates are girls but there are also three boys and unfortunately I have to seat beside one of them.

"Hi are you a foreigner?" I was shocked that he could actually speak english.

"Uhm yes, how did you know?" i responded shyly

"Well it's obvious, by the way I'm jongin" he introdced his self and i have to admit he's goodlooking to the point that he could be a kpop artist.

"I was kinda surprised when you spoke in english because I rarely encounter koreans that speak in english" I said

"because obviously I'm taking tourism course so I thought maybe I should learn the language" Jongin

"Hahahaha why didn't I thought about that?" I just laughed feeling so stupid.

"Does everyone here know how to speak english?" I asked him

"I think most of them" he answered.

"wait you haven't told me you name yet" he added.

"Oh yes, right, I almost forgot, I'm Yuri"

Our converstion was interrupted by our prof.

"Ok class, Please introduce yourself one by one" she suggested. Then she pointed at me.

" You go first since you're late, as a punishment"

"What?? me??"

"Yes please"

well what else can I do? So I stood and introduced myself although feeling a little shy

"Hi....Hi my name is Yuri, Park Yuri, 19 y/o from ontario Canada we just moved here in father is korean and my mother is Filipino American. So basically I have 3 nationalities. I hope that we could get along well guys...that's all thank you" feeling relieved and went back to my seat.

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