During the invasion...
"Run Martyn, RUN!!" little Martyn's father yelled in fear of him being caught. His mother saw him and quickly slipped a necklace over his head. "Keep this safe with your heart" she said almost whispering. Then his father yelled out a threat that was muffled by the guard who covered his mouth with a rag and he soon fell asleep. Martyn's mother saw the same fate and Martyn screamed in fear as he ran for his life and future.
He ran into a forest he had heard stories about when he was young. He tripped over a root but kept running. Then he rushed ahead, everything blurred, and then he tripped over again this time an even bigger root and landed in some thorns. Then he fell unconscious and everything turned black.
3 weeks later...
Martyn woke up in a bed made of leaves. He had no idea where he was. All he knew was that his back was hurting. He felt drowsy but a figure was looking down at him and his vision cleared immediately. He sat up and then slowly glided back down in pain. The figure was a man and he had a strange symbol on his head. It looked familiar to Martyn. Then he remembered...the necklace! He quickly checked for it and it was still there. He took it out and it was faintly glowing green. He stared at it for a while and he turned to the man. "Who are you?" Martyn asked. The man responded, "I am Dratini, I found you unconscious in some thorns, you have been asleep for 3 weeks and my tribe and I have been giving you medicine for your injuries."
"Thank you, you are very kind. My name is Martyn and I was running from an invasion on my village. My two parents were taken away by the invaders." Martyn explained his situation, " I am homeless for now, I don't know what to do or where to go."
Dratini looked concerned and sympathetic. "I am also the leader of this tribe and I can offer support if you need it but right now you need some more rest if you want to be able to walk around comfortably again. My nurses are bringing soup soon to heal you a bit more. Are you hungry or thirsty?"
"I'll have some water if that's ok with you" Martyn said. "I'll also bring you some food just in case, ok?" Dratini replied. Martyn was relieved, "Thank you so much, you didn't need to do this." Dratini gave a quick nod and left the room.
Martyn scanned the room he was in. The walls were decorated with different types of masks and symbols, some replicating his own and some being variations of his own. He smiled at them, remembering all the times he had with his family and friends in the village. Then he saw Dratini walk in with a tray of biscuits, sweet and savoury, as well as a cup of water. "Hope you enjoy it. Make yourself at home." Dratini said as he set down the tray. "Wow. Thank you. You are so kind." replied Martyn. Dratini nodded his thanks and went off to his duties.
By the time Martyn was finished, Dratini came back recognising that Martyn had finished. He took the tray and left with Martyn yelling a 'Thank You!' after he passed the door. Martyn decided that he wanted to explore. So he sneaked outside and peaked his head outside the tent to see a performance going on. He saw fire then magic then fireworks and all kinds of colourful, festive wonders being performed by a strange boy in a black hoodie and denim jeans.
InTheLittleWood FanFic (Discontinued)
FanfictionMartyn is on a journey to kill a demigod when an angel and a wizard help along the way. Has some of my own characters.