1: The Runaway Rebellious Princess

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Her limbs were twisted under the sheets. Her lips parted as a soft sigh left a whispering mist over the cold night air. Her head turned slightly as a moan escaped from her throat which had echoed in the small room. Her legs parted while her fingers grabbed the coverlet as her hips lifted. 

The heavy coverlet shifted down and her other hand had sneaked up to caress her young breast with nipples budding hard through her thin chemise. Her cheeks pinked with deep flush as she moaned aloud and then gasped. Her eyes snapped opened and sleepily she closed her eyes as waves of pleasure singed her nerves and she groaned as her body shivered in delight. Her eyes drifted down and saw her legs were wide and her hips lifted over a hard silhouette under the sheets.

She felt her body creamed more as warm flesh moved over over her heated flesh carrying wet heat trailing over her flesh and her ear picked at the sound of suckling muffled by the sheet. She whimpered as the warmth breath stroke the sensitized flesh and small bites stung her pleasurably and then something sneaked up underneath her chemise and found her pebbled breast and rubbed and milked her sensuously. The feelings were too much for her. More of her cream coated her skin and the head between her legs lapped at them greedily as the wicked tongue continued to torment her and then it stopped and left her breathless with sweet agony. Two fingers were now probing the nether hole and enter her with such slowness that she could feel herself wet even more. Then the figure turn her to her stomach and she waited as the man unbuttoned her chemise and kissed her bare creamy shoulder. Her skirt was lifted up and his hand spread her buttocks open and she moaned at the felt of a hardened flesh probed her nether opening and she braced herself.

The sound of rapid knocks on the heavy door woke Princess Tanya from her dream and she groaned as the sound of the doors unlocking made her sat up straight and glared at the morning handmaidens who had come carrying several newly ironed gowns, a breakfast tray and hot water for her bath. She waited for them to make the chamber welcoming for the early traces of dawn and she watched them like a hawk until they left the chamber. As soon as the door closed, she heard the lock being placed and she slumped back to her bed with a groan.

Clever of her parents to held her like a prisoner of war so that she could not attempt to run away again from the horrid arranged wedding in the next two days. Her people were already in the hype of welcoming the groom from a country that was at the edge of her own. 

Unfortunately, she had dreaded that fact ever since she remembered the time she was being forced to make friend with a very terrible boy prince who had teased her mercilessly about everything about her and how she had cried and try to hit him for saying bad words until they got into a very huge fight until the kings had them both of carted away from each other. In the end, her parents had her punished by locking her in a room for trying to bite the fingers off of the kid who was to be her future husband.

The fact had even the most unpleasant forthcoming when she had attempt to countless arguments about her marriage in which had range from a yelling charade to actual rebellion by refusing to act like a lady and taking up horse riding and sword fighting and ten years later, her parents was at their their ends by keeping her locked away until her impending marriage. 


"You are a princess, Tanya. Behave like one for God's sakes!" Her father roared until the great hall echoed and the servants instinctively cower in fear except for the woman in a boy's garb who was gripping tightly on the hilt of the short sword at her side while keeping her posture regal even when facing an angry monarch who was panting hard as if in pain.

"Calm down before you cause yourself another attack." The queen at his right went to her husband's side as if to calm him with her presence but turn to her daughter with a kindly gesture, "Young lady, you should listen to your father."

Tanya gasped in disbelief. "Mother! He's forcing me to marry someone I've known within seconds to want to kill."

"That was only one time, my child. First impression those ten years ago could not mean anything." Her mother shook her head daintily as she sat on the smaller chair that complement her as a queen while the king look at his daughter in another bouts of disapproval. "Prince Alexus is a great King better than even his father. And you will marry him as promised!"Her father words caused a backlash as his daughter snorted and cursed under her breath which was unfortunately in the hearing range of her parents who erupted into another bouts of disapproval.

"Well, I'm sorry!" Tanya huffed to silence her parents. "But it's not just because he's a good king, by default, he is a good husband and the concept is positively medieval!"

"Bah!" Her father sat back on his seat and rubbed his temple. "I shouldn't had brought these two to meet together early."

"Well, maybe you shouldn't have agreed to a betrothal at the first place," Tanya muttered as she crossed her arms in defence.

Her mother was now quite worried with her father's tired frame and stood at his side and now look at her sternly. "Tanya, go to your room."


"Give your father a peace of mind. Your wedding is still coming in the next eight days whether you like it or not. And dress yourself to resemble a woman." 

With that, Tanya gasped and stalked toward the great door in anger. Even as the servants were eyeing her every steps, her mind was racing to find a solution to this benevolent fate. But her eyes caught a glimpsed of delivery cart down at the side of the labyrinth garden to the kitchen at the other wing of the castle. And an idea came into her with a grin.


Later that evening, when the horse cart carrying several baskets of old food went out of the boundary of the castle into the villager's town, Princess Tanya gripped her knack sack with her as she waited for the cart to pass by the thickest of the night crowd, she slipped out of the moving cart and kept her cloak hiding her face as she went through the crowd celebrating the incoming wedding (which she was adamantly trying to escape from) and saw the huge master of horse's stable and buy herself a strong horse. 

"But the night is coming, my lord. It's dangerous in the woods!" The young boy counts the coins in his hand as she checked the horse for any hidden injury and anything that hinder her from her journey. "Couldn't you wait for the next morn' to come?"

"I haven't got time," Tanya lifted herself on the horse and leaned to take the reign but the stable boy caught a glimpse of her face and with a gasp he accidently let go of the silver coins in his grasp. Seeing that he had seen her face, Tanya flicked a gold coin to his way to silence him and immediately send the horse into a steady gallop to the main drawbridge at the edge of the town before her father's men could sniff out her latest escapade.

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