Emma Captured

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Lila was in the forest it was feeding season for the vampires she had to be hidden. Lila had two sisters Emma and Ali. They were all born in the same litter. Emma was born late. The Vampires were coming with no place to run the vampires all Lila could hope for was a good hiding spot and there it was.....a cave. She went inside and they went right by. There was Emma and Ali they hid in an old tent. It was all a trick the vampires needed a belated werewolf born late but the same litter. That was not common they knew Emma was the one to sacrifice to their king. They snuck up behind and grabbed Emma they dissapeared.

Left there was a note.

The note read You must go many obstacles along the way we will give you time till the sixth moon your first place is Dead Man's Creek. Then,you will hear her screaming sounds you can follow the sounds we will be torturing her just to remind you.

Ali and Lila looked in terror at eachother they new the vampires can outwit them any day. Ali and Lila went to Dead Man's Creek like the note said we could here her whine and scream. But.... how would we know that's her scream it might be a trap. The note did say there will be obstacles. So Lila picked up the scent of her sister and it was in

the opposite direction from where the screaming was coming from. Scam!!! Knew it!!!! You can never trust any vampire. An object appeared it was a frame with a photo in it. It was a picture of Emma with a slash through the photo there was also a note. It read Bravo! You actually made it past your first obstacle!!! Now you are on your own.

They tracked the scent and they came to a cliff. It just doesn't make sense Lila thought. There has to be a lever of some sort for a bridge cause it has another side, but a big gap Ali was thinking and she leaned against the wall on a secret button. And there was the bridge.

There wasn't anymore notes we went independent. We crossed the bridge and ther u ahead was the castle it was a mile away. Just at that moment Lila dissapeared. Ali was on her own......SOLO. A note flew in her hair this one is just quick lunch you know fast food. But we will wait till you get here to join. Finally,Ali made to the castle and there was the guards the guards tried to bite her and she dodged it and she slashed him across the tace and ran in there were Lila knocked out on the floor and Emma scared as can be in a corner. Ali knew she could beat the vampire,but she was scared. Then, a vampire snuck up behind her and said they won't die well Emma will.Lila won't she would just become one of us you could become one of us too! Ali slashed him and said instead you could be ONE OF US!!!! She ran grabbed Lila and Emma followed they ran out and it was over the weerewolves had won!!! But...Did Ali really destroy the vampire king???? That is a wrong answer she didn't!!!! And he still has more plans

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