Broken and Bruised Chapter two

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  Chapter Two, "For the first time"

Twitter: @sunshinematt_

matthew's pov.

  The house filled with more and more people, as the clock came closer to 7:00pm.

It was very loud, with blasting music, screaming girls with guys trying to pick them up.

I looked around to see Cameron talking to this brunette, Nash and Taylor with the rest of the guys dancing like crazy.

Don't get me wrong, I was having a blast too, but I still just didn't understand what Cass' boyfriend did that was so bad, and even worse, why I even cared.

The brunette walked away from cameron, and I took that as a cue to walk over to him.

"What did you do this time?" I said with a chuckle.

"Nothing dude." He said sarcastic, because lets face it, he probably said some remark that he thought was funny. Which resulted in her getting pissed off and walking away.

I laughed at the thought, because Cameron, he doesn't even mean to do it.

We were talking about random shit when Kian came over to us and said Andrea and Cass were upstaires and would be coming down shortly. 

Then I saw her for the first time.

She came into the living room and everyone cheered!

She was everyones favorite person to be around. She smiled and I immediantly wanted to change.

To become this "better person", because when she smiled I didn't feel like I deserved it.

She looked my way and I froze. We made eye contact and her eyes looked dark, hurt and sad.

But bright and filled with this kindness and ambition at the same time. They were the most beautiful blue colour.

As she started to walk this way, my body locked.

"Matthew, Cameron, this is Cass." Andrea pointed to Cass, smiled and went off to find kian. I didn't know what to say until Cameron kicked me in the shin. "oh, uh Hi, Im Matthew" I said and held out my hand for her to shake with my face probably being so red. She smiled shyly at the ground and took my hand in hers. She looked up and said quietly "I'm Cassidy."

  "Its nice to meet you Cass, but if you guys don't mind I'm going to go catch up with Taylor and Nash." Cameron said as he left to go be with Nash and Taylor, leaving me alone on purpose. "I've seen all your youtube videos, your really funny." She said with bright eyes. "Thanks! You have a youtube channel too, right?' I tried to keep conversation going. "Yeah I do. Andrea helped me make one. I really love it." She seemed so passionante about her youtube, one of the things I first noticed. When she is passionante about somthing she smiles really wide and her eyes light up when she talks about it. In the back of my head I wondered if she would ever talk about me like that someday.

"Matt?" I snapped out of it and look up. "Oh sorry, yeah?" Embarassing. "How long are you staying in California for?" She asked genueinly curious. "Two weeks for the Magcon tour!" "Oh thats exciting. I think me and Andrea are going to come along on one of the days to watch." "Yeah, you guys should." I said finally getting more comforatable. "So how did you and Andrea meet--?" I began to say as I was cut of by a guy around 6'1 yelling for Cassidy. 

  Her face immediantly dropped. He walked over and started to yell. "Who is this guy and why are you talking to him!" He yelled in her face. "He's just a frie-" "I told you not to talk to other guys!!!" He yelled even louder. Mostly everyone had stopped what they were doing to watch and I could feel everyones eyes burning into me, almost telling me to do something. She never looked up at him. Not once. I looked over to Jc and Connor, contimplating what to do. Kian walked over. "Hey Noah, maybe you guys could talk in the room down the hall?" He suggested, knowing how embarassed Cass was. Noah then turned to look at me. "If I see you talking to my girlfriend again, I will end you" He said with the straightest face. Cass finally looked up to me with apologetic eyes. He grabbed her tightly by the wrist and started to forcfully pull her to the room until she just went along with him, used to his behaviour. Everyone went back to doing what they were originally doing when Jc finally said something. "Hey man, don't hurt her."  He stopped in his tracks and grabbed onto Cass tighter making her flinch. "Jc its okay, Don't worry about it." She reassured him with the fakest smile I'd ever seen and they continued to the room down the hall with a loud slam of the door.

  I wanted to do everything, anything. Beat the fuck out of that guy but I couldn't move. I was so confused   on why she was with a guy like him to do anything about it, and it all happend so fast. She looked so happy and fragile, but on the inside I could tell she was broken and bruised.

Broken and Bruised (Matthew Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now