Where Nothing Stays Buried

652 20 4

Flashback - 2013 

I stood on the balcony above the courtyard.

Vincent was standing over Aurora's body, who was unconscious and wrapped in a seat, working on a spell.

Freya walked downstairs.

"Good news, Freya," Vincent told her. "I think I found a spell that'll draw together all the serum that Aurora took. Now, it's gonna take a little while, but if I can concentrate it in her heart, we can extract it with this, destroy it, and make sure we ain't got no more of these unkillable monsters on our hands."

"Good," Freya told him. "In the meantime, I think I may have finally found a way to kill Lucien. Now, my mother once tried to end my siblings by reversing the Original Vampire spell, and according to her grimoire, only the witch who cast the spell could undo it. You created that serum, therefore, according to my mother, you can turn Lucien back, and then Klaus can rip his head off."

Vincent shook his head. "Freya, it wasn't my power that cast that spell. The Ancestors used me as a conduit for some ugly magic that only the spirits have access to. I'm sorry, but nobody alive can tap into that." He phone vibrated. He took it out. "Marcel has been blowing up my phone. All right, I'll be back."

Vincent walked out, leaving.

Freya sighed, looking down.

Elijah walked in. "Something the matter?"

"I need a strand of your hair," Freya told him. Elijah plucked a hair out of his head, putting it into the bowl on the table in front of Freya. "I'm working on an early warning system. Lucien has all the witch Ancestors in New Orleans on his side. I need to know if they tried to interfere with any one of you."

Elijah sighed. "Freya, when we said no rest for the wicked, I certainly didn't expect you to..."

"I'm up against centuries of dead witches who are apparently now strong enough to reach beyond the grave and shake the entire city on its foundation," Freya told him. "I'll rest once I've sent them all running back to Hell."

I was impressed, smirking.


I was outside of the courtyard, able to hear Klaus, Elijah, Marcel and Kol talking.

Kol had been forced by the Ancestors to kill Davina.

Marcel, Vincent and Kol were planning on bringing her back to life.

"This is a war," Elijah told them. "Please understand I despise the situation."

"That's the wrong answer!" Kol told them angrily.

"No, no, no," Marcel told him. "I know this is a war, but I've lost a lot of friends, too. Today, I need your help."

"Then you shall have it," Klaus told them. "Come on, Kol. Let's get you cleaned up."

"Thank you," Marcel told them.

I was surprised by Klaus' kindness.


I could hear the Mikaelsons down in the downstairs living room.

"I'll draw Davina's spirit to a circle," Freya told them. "As long as she's there, the Ancestors won't be able to torment her. With luck, that will buy you some time to find a way to resurrect her, but I'll need to channel an Original if I'm going to sustain the spell."

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