chapter 1 - god is dead

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You never thought you'd see the inside of the infamous 'Briarcliff Manor' but you suppose God had other plans for you. It felt dark, even with the dusty windows open to the cold, cloudy sky and the smell of decay and depression seeping through causing your nostrils to flare. The strength of the smell made your nose itch, unfortunately you couldn't scratch, as your straitjacket wouldn't allow satisfaction. You had your biggest mental breakdown yet. Ever since your Dad abandoned you, all you had was an abusive mother, blaming you for everything and hurting you both mentally and physically. Without that manly figure in your life you never knew how to portray a strong attitude, so you were pretty much a shy doormat for the rest of your life, well, that changed yesterday.
The worst thing about this was you had no idea what you had done. You can't remember anything that had happened hours prior. The tranquilizer they used was very strong and all you could remember was seeing the crimson coating your arms. Everyone looked miserable here, and not just the patients. The first to catch your eye was a slightly mature looking woman with angry brown eyes and a sunken expression, it seemed she was the head nun of this christian rat pack and she looked very pleased to see you. "Ms. Y/N L/N" she tuts, shaking her head, she wasn't really trying to sound impressed, "Just get this sack of shit outta sight." She mumbles, waving her hand out front of her and walking away.
Surprisingly, the further into the place the worse it got, the screams of anguish, the smell of literal shit and the cold, dirty cobblestone was wet didn't want to know. Your two bodyguards wheel you into your room and carefully take you off your vehicle, placing you on your bed and tying you down, being very very cautious. They stood back as the door opened again, a nun, obviously, except she looked much more kind, her hair a beautiful blonde, eyes like the ocean and the exposition of a sunbeam, well, in contrast to a mental asylum. She looked down on you, "Ms. L/N, you'll have to stay in here until tomorrow, just to make sure your nerves are calm." She says in a soft voice, "Just in case we have some pills that you'll need to take to, as a safety precaution." You gulp, freaking pills. She seems quite nervous, her voice shook as she talked, it almost made you afraid of what she was so afraid of. "I'll-I mean, Sister Jude will be organizing your first psychiatric meeting tomorrow, he's only temporary though, for the next two weeks." She reassures, seeing your face frown in tired frustration. It couldn't get any worse, you've lost count on how many psychiatrists you've had and none have ever helped. She exhales and quickly finishes with a "Good night, see you in the morning." And closes the door, leaving you alone in the dark, shit stained cell. It is morning.
Morning seemed to finally come 10 years later, but you couldn't tell as everything was dark in your cell, three slits of the outside that are normally dark too. You managed to sit up in the straitjacket you still donned. Tired with unease and restlessness, you waited as a man walked in with a cup of water and pills, "On normal occasions, you'd take your pills outside with the other patients, but we'll need time for yours to kick in." He said, taking the pills and water and commanding you to open your mouth, he also seemed quite frightened, even more so at your quiet and docile stares. After another couple minutes, everything seemed quite numb, and he finally allowed you to leave, without taking off your straitjacket of course, but it's not like they'd just take it off if you complained.
You finally came into a large room, filled with chairs and patients, some banging their heads on walls and others masturbating. Surprisingly, no one else seemed to be wearing straitjackets, but no one seemed to notice anyway. It was a depressing atmosphere, everyone looked like dead men walking, even the livelier ones still looked miserable. You finally found a clean corner, furthest away from everyone and slumped down, curling up slightly. Unfortunately, you saw someone approach. She was blonde, short hair with a part shaved, she looked quite confident and independent as she approached the only person in the ward with a straitjacket. "Holy shit, aren't you the most depressing thing I've ever seen." The closer to the end of the sentence, the more she laughed, "How could you even live without using your hands?" She exclaims, "You can't give no one a hand job" she winked, doing an expression based on your last line. It made you tense, "Well, I..." Your voice rasped and you couldn't finish a sentence without choking, it had been your first time to talk in awhile. Her eyes widened and her mouth agape, turning into a wide grin, "Oh my GOD, you're a virgin aren't you?" She said way too loud, causing you to curl up in embarrassment, "Prude, you totally haven't lived, and now you have no choice but to lose your womanhood to a greasy old fart." She leant down closer to you, "Or if you're cute enough, maybe you can woo a worker here, it's worked on me, but maybe not with that straitjacket-" "Shelley! Piss off, we're busy with this one."
That voice was familiar, and the angry face that matched it too. It was the head mistress of the place, along with a Monsignor. Shelley, of course, didn't leave. "Hey, Heeey Monsignor! God told me that this is the chick you gotta bang, smite her VIRGINITY!" She sniggered, from the Monsignor's reaction, he was used to it, "I suggest hydrotherapy." He whispered to Jude, and with her approving nod, she was taken away, finally. Unfortunately, she wasn't done. "Get up, Y/N. I'd like you to meet somebody." Even if she sounded urgent, she didn't bother to help you up. Finally getting up, you noticed man behind the both of them, his eyes already fixated on you. "This is Dr. Oliver Thredson, your psychiatrist."

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