chapter 2 - smoke in the air

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He definitely stood out. The people around, broken, decrepit, dirty  and absolutely miserable. Even next to the nuns and workers, who looked tired and dead, he looked almost perfect. He had slicked back hair and a gray suit. His horn-rimmed glasses caught reflection of his soft, thoughtful chocolate eyes. The fact his eyes were already planted onto yours gave shivers. His naturally-curved lips smiled slightly as he noticed your eyes return his. You must've looked miserable to him, curled up in a corner of a mental asylum looking like a confused mouse, of course he tried to give a smile. Your first  feeling of relaxation was cut off from Jude's gruff voice, 'Miss Y/N please get up before I make sure you never sit again.' You've learnt that doing so without speaking is Sister Jude's favorite way to get done with things. It was stressful though, as you had no arms to secure yourself. Feeling the eyes on you felt like they burnt, you were nothing but a wretch in a straitjacket. As you finally stood up, your eyes met Dr. Thredson's once again. You could smell his cologne  that wafted through, killing off any decay around him. Even without your undivided attention (well, she was also speaking to Thredson too, you suppose) but Jude spoke up once again in her signature bored tone. 'Get on with it, Doctor. The more miserable wrecks in my sight, the better.'  and with that, and a tired sigh, she left.

'Ms. Y/N L/N, I am Doctor Oliver Thredson.' he said in a calm yet hearable speaking tone. You could feel yourself shiver, you couldn't tell what from. Humiliation? The pills? Even with the tight fabric around your body, you still felt yourself tremble.'With me, Ms. L/N.' he said, his voice felt like angels, it felt amazing not to be jeered at, yelled at or treated like a criminal. You payed attention to everything, how his words rolled off his tongue and out in one soft smooth breath of air. Every other voice cracked out like lightning, breaths jagged and hard like cracks in cement. He exhaled another breath, 'Do you need help to walk?' he leant down slightly, empathy making his eyes feel bright and welcoming. Managing to shake your head, he nodded, 'Now, come with me.' he murmured, walking down the path of deranged men and women, and out the door to his office.

You were sat down, Thredson in front of you. He was still  getting comfortable, getting out paperwork, neatening it, and a cigarette. All you could do was watch him with your dead stare, you were so tired, you were confused and everything was blurry and he definitely picking that up from you. He was quiet, slow moving, and he kept looking up at you while he got ready to make sure everything was okay. You could feel yourself slowly shatter, you continued trembling and you could feel your dry eyes water. 'Ms. L/N I'm sure you have a lot of questions, you're afraid and confused and I'm sorry. I'm here to help you.' He spoke up, his voice still soft and careful of each word. 'Do you have any questions?' It took you a moment to respond, your throat dry and clogged. 'What....happened to me...?'

You could watch his expression sadden, eyebrows furrowed. 'They haven't even told you what happened?' he whispered, placing the cigarette between his lips. 'You broke, Ms. L/N. Your cracks were too wide and you finally shattered.' You felt your heart stop for a couple moments as the feeling of your mental wall shattering made you slowly remember what had happened. 'Ms. L/N, you killed your mother, took a gun and you shot people out on the street until we had to tranquilize you.' He exhaled softly, the smoke that escaped his lips enveloped into patterns that almost seemed to calm you even after the harsh reality that just hit you like a brick. You looked down at your straitjacket and you finally realized everything. 'Oh...Oh god...' Your dry, dead face felt wetness of tears. Even in your quiet state, you still felt feelings everyone felt, but you tend to feel them only on the inside.

You could feel the fire ravaging your cold, dead body. You were screaming, pulling out your hair, curled up in the corner of your mind and sobbing. Whilst this happened, all you did was watch Thredson with your teary eyes. His head turned to the side slowly, his lips were pouted slightly as he tried to understand your inner turmoil. To him, you looked like a stray dog, whimpering in an alley way. 'Y/N... what're you feeling right now...?' he leaned closer, moving his glasses up his nose, eyes narrowed and delving into yours. You looked back into them, 'I'm here to help you..I want to know what's behind the starlight in your eyes, there's something..inside you that you can't express.' He whispered, 'The starlight...let it out...It'll help.' His soft-spoken tone was nothing you've ever felt before, even at just those few words, you could feel the tears emptying out onto your cheeks. He smiled ever so slightly, only adding onto his natural curve, 'Talk to me.'

It was your father, the one you never really got to know. You never heard a soft male voice, a soft smile even your mother never gave. You always wished for the man in your life that'll clean your cuts after a fall, the one to teach you how to ride your bike. The smell of comfort that wafted into your nose as he kissed you good night. You felt maybe this is how it really did feel. Unfortunately, you didn't word this aloud, only your lip trembled and you curled up on the chair. He stood, and you watched in quiet fear as he moved toward you, kneeling down in front of the chair. 'You must feel so trapped, let me help you.' he waited for a response. You turned slowly to face you and you watched has he put his arms around you and took off the straitjacket that trapped you from your unknown rampage.

You felt the unwanted layer break away, and you could finally feel your own body again, your fingers tap the chair, your shoulders roll. Thredson watched quietly but his face looked satisfied, 'What a beautiful smile, Y/N.' He said, with a smile back. He sits down on the floor, crossing his legs, 'Now come on, talk to me.'

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