"I'm Not Okay"

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I honestly don't know why I thought it was a good idea to come here. I hate parties. I hate kids my age. I hate high school. This one girl, Abby I believe, is drunk out of her mind and keeps following me around talking to herself; furthermore this guy Nick is totally stoned and was flirting with me a second ago, but now he's talking about clouds.

"Why aren't I all fucked up yet? I don't feel drunk at all! There must be something wrong with me..." Abby slurs while slowly tipping on top of me.

I sigh, "I agree, there is something wrong with you." I reply while pushing her back upright.

"What about you? You feelin' it yet?"

"I-- haven't had anything tonight Abby."

"Wwwoooowwww..." she exaggerates, "that SUCKS! But I respect that... you're... uh... healthy..."

I nod my head and without saying a word I get up from my chair and walk to to kitchen. She's too drunk to notice, but even if she did I wouldn't care.

In here a group of girls are taking Jell-O shots and dancing to bad music, including Boo, the girl who invited me as well as the host. She rips the lid off of another shot with her teeth, and then proceeds to slurp down the bright blue slime.

"Boo!" I try and say over the music, "Boo!" I yell again, but she doesn't hear me. I roll my eyes and head outside to my car anyways. I check the time, it's only 10:45. I told my mom I would be home at one.

On the porch is a nice table set that matches the rest of Boo's parents house: big and expensive. A group of people sit around smoking weed and a couple is making out. I groan when one of them recognizes me.

"Hey your the girl from T.V. right?" A boy with red glazed eyes says to me.

"Yeah... that's me." I reply, still backing away towards my car.

He gets up from his seat and rushes over to me. Grabbing my wrist, he pulls me over to the table. "I'm Ben. This is Nick, Jake, Anthony, and his girlfriend Mara." Nick is the same one who was talking about clouds.

"That's nice-" I begin, but Ben pulls me down into the seat next to his.

"We don't really hang out with this crowd either." He begins while gesturing to the people inside, "we just come for the free booze." He chuckles.

"Yeah... but I have to drive home so I better-"

He cuts me off again, "Your cars pretty boxed in, you might have to wait."

I exhale deeply, he's right.

"You can hang out with us if you want. It's Melanie right?" He says while releasing his hold on my wrist to shake my hand.

"Yeah, that's me."

"Sweet... hey, you smoke?" He asks while pulling a prescription bottle and a lighter out of his pocket.

"No. Well I mean, I have before, but I don't."

Mara removes herself from Anthony's face with a loud crack of velcro. She leans over the table to high five me, "oh my god, twins!" She squeals.

I fake a laugh. My phone buzzes in my pocket and I pull it out to check. It's from Derek, but all it is is a winking emoji. That's our code for a booty call.

I text back, can't. Stuck at Boo's party!

I quickly jump up in my seat when I hear a loud shatter. Nick had knocked his bong over onto the cement. There is broken glass everywhere.

He goes to his hands and knees to try and pick up the pieces, but there are too many.

Just our luck, Boo walks outside. "What the fuck you guys!" She says while holding her head. "I need all of that cleaned up now!"

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