Figure it out

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Hey guys! I'm the writer if this here story. I'm sorry I've waited this long to introduce myself. Just wanted to ask you guys if you want me to do a New Joshler story after this. You can totally request a story or a ship, I'm open for ideas. I'm sorry this story is so short, just that eventually you run out Of camp days to go on. Thank you guys so much for reading my story, it means a lot to me. If you have any questions, be free to ask. This is my first fan fiction, so be kind. Thank you
  For that whole day and the next, Tyler tried his best to avoid Josh. He didn't want to look at him, didn't want to think about much he hurt him over something so little. Tyler knew he overreacted, but he did what he did, and he wasn't going to apologize. Tyler even refused to sleep in his own cabin. He got a tent and slept outside. He watched the stars in silence, it was nice to get away, but what wasn't nice was the look that Josh made when Tyler walked away. It filled him with such guilt. He felt so bad, but maybe he deserved it. Tyler shook his head and watched the stars.

  Josh sat in Tyler's bed. He missed the guy. He didn't mean to make the guy upset, let alone that upset. He should have just respected Tyler's wishes and stopped there. It's because he kept going that Tyler was gone. Josh frowned to himself and hugged Tyler's pillow, trying to regain the companion he had lost. "I'm sorry Tyler." Josh whispered to himself, watching te door of the cabin, hoping that a happy Tyler would walk in, smiling and saying that he forgave him, but Josh knew it wasn't going to happen anytime soon.

Tyler was absolutely miserable. He hated being alone. It was strange, since before Josh he was only alone, but now, he didn't want to be alone. He missed Josh like crazy, but he would not apologize. He needed some time on his own, why Josh did was mean, disrespectful towards what he wanted, to how he felt. Maybe Josh didn't care like he thought. He wouldn't know. He wanted to look, to talk to Josh, but he knew he would just get upset again. He shook his head and layers down in his tent, closing his eyes, and drifting off into a dream.

  Josh couldn't sleep. He was too worried. Was Tyler ok? We're was he? Was he sleeping ok? Josh was so lost in thought. He snapped out of it for a split second. "Why are you thinking about him so much?.." Josh asked himself, looking at Tyler's bed. He shrugged, hoping he didn't know the answer. He decided to stop thinking about Tyler and try to go to sleep. He had too. Soon, camp would be over, and he would have to go home. And back to school. And be without Tyler. "Damn it!" He told himself. Josh couldn't get Tyler out of his head. The words ringing out. 'I hate you'  He shuddered at the thoughts of Tyler actually hating him. He would be heartbroken. The only reason he's been able to go this long is because deep down inside he knew that Tyler still cared. And he loved him for that. Wait. What?

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