1-Meet The Family

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She wiped away the sweat that trickled down her forehead with the back of her hand.Cinderella had just finished scrubbing all the floors of her stepmother's old creaky house and everywhere looked clean and spotless.She dusted her knees as she stood up and went into the garden to throw out the dirty water.

"Ella," she heard her name from across the fence.She smiled as she recognized the voice of her neighbor, Gallien.He had been her friend and confidant throughout the time she had spent with her step family. He was one person she knew she could trust with all her secrets apart from her mice.

"Hello, Gallien" she said cheerfully, "How's Jules doing?" Gallien's father was a respectable man who owned many ranches in the Kingdom.Jules was one of his many horses but had suffered injuries as he had slipped on a muddy road and fallen during a storm.Gallien loved horses and Jules was his favorite so he had been quite sad since the day Jules fell.

"He's getting better,thanks"he smiled, revealing a set of pearly white teeth.

Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of Lady Tremaine and her horrible step daughters from their weekly shopping trip.Cinderella said a quick goodbye and rushed into the house to welcome them.

"My Lady," Cinderella said, curtsying before her stepmother.She glared at her in response and stormed past her into the house.

Anastasia and Drizella were chatting away but stopped when they saw Cinderella approaching. "Get the bags from the coach, 'Cinderella' " Drizella said mockingly. As Cinderella hurried past them to get the bags from the coach, Anastasia pinched her nose and made a gagging sound. "Quick, lets hurry in and get away from this stinky maid," Anastasia said as both of them snickered and went into the house.

By the time Cinderella was done bringing all the bags into the house, Anastasia and Drizella had successfully dirtied all the floors in the house by dusting their muddy boots on them...


After hours of re-scrubbing all the floors and sewing her stepsisters' dresses which they had 'torn' during their outing, Cinderella finally went up into the attic to rest.She took a quick shower and changed into one of her mother's old nightgowns.She tied her blonde hair up in a bun and sat on her hard bed which had no frame.

She was about to fall asleep when she heard squeals from the corridor outside her room.She walked out into the corridor holding her lamp and noticed that Gus, one of her mice friends, had gotten his tail stuck in one of the mice traps as he tried to eat the cheese on it.

"Guuus," she chided and carefully removed his tail from the trap.He had a strong love for cheese which led to him getting stuck in  traps very often.

"Thank you Cinderelli, " Gus said, eating up the rest of the cheese.He then ran into then hole under the wall where he and Jaq lived.

She found herself extremely exhausted and feel asleep immediately her head hit her pillow.


So this first chapter is short because its just meant to give a brief idea of Cinderella's life and introduce a very important new character.The next chapter will be longer and the chapters after the next will be even longer because that's when the twists in the story will build up and then lead to the alternate ending.

I'm not going to have a cast since there are several Cinderella movies already. You can just imagine your own cast if you don't like the movie cast because i don't feel comfortable choosing actresses for the stepsisters. Most people imagine them as ugly girls meaning i have to choose ugly actresses but i feel all women are beautiful in their own way :)

Please be open to Gallien as a character.He isn't in the original Cinderella but he's a crucial character in my version and i'm sure you'll end up liking him.

Updates will come everyday :)

Thanks for reading!

Yours truly,



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