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A little info before you start reading. This is set exactly 1 month after endgame. Yeah, that's it.

Disclaimer : If I owned young justice, a season 10 would be in production and at least 5 animated movies would be out already. And I would never ever ever make Wally 'cease' (I refuse to believe he's dead). So, yeah, I don't own Young Justice.


The night was unusually quiet. A soft breeze was blowing, which should have felt good, but was only serving as a reminder, a painful reminder of HIM.

'Hi, I'm Kid Flash, and I'm sooooooooooo excited to finally meet you!'
'Yeah, me too. I'm Robin, already knew that...'
'But you know, I thought you, being the first sidekick and all, would be, you know, taller.'

The black and blue clad hero sat atop the rooftops of Gotham, thinking how far had they come from those days. He was not new to this pain. He was no stranger to the grief. Heck! He had seen all of his family falling to their death. He went through the same pain when Jason.....died. He got over his family's death. He got over his brother's death (Did he?). But even after a whole stinkin month, he didn't understand why couldn't he come to terms with the fact that HE was dead.

'Dude, you're.....'
'You're ........DICK GRAYSON!'
'Yes, Wally.'
'But..... no. It's not possible!'
'Dude, I'm standing right in front of you with my mask off! You can see it's me.'
'But...but that means Batman is....'
'Bruce Wayne.'
'But what Wally?'
'But Bruce Wayne smiles!'

He wasn't always this. With Bruce, with Tim, with Artemis (especially with Artemis), he tried to act normal. He pushed his feelings back, masking them and behaving as though his best friend's death did not completely break him down. On patrols, while beating up the thugs and villains, he was every bit of the infamous 'Nightwing', who made the criminals of Gotham and Blüdhaven cry for their mamas. But it was during such rare moments, with nothing to distract him, that the feeling of grief overwhelmed him. And with that came the guilt. During such moments, every little sound, every movement, everything in site reminded the ex-boy wonder of his best friend. The best friend he had failed.

'Oh! Come on Wall-man, spill it!'
'I'm waiting'
'Its just....... there's this.......... girl at my school........ and I kina....... asked her out, and she......'
'She turned you down?'
'In front of everyone?'
'Said she didn't want to go anywhere with a nerd like you?'
'Ye- dude, did you hack the security camera?'
'Then how.....?'
'Because I'm Robin'

The breeze ruffled his hair. He almost turned back, almost expecting to see HIM standing there, smirking.

"Today's been a month to the...... you know, the incident." He said to the darkness surrounding him. "And I'm still not able get used to this, get used to you......... gone. Artemis, I visited her today. She was........ broken........ from the inside." just like me "She's doing well with the team, doing good as Tigress, but under that mask, under that mask, she's...... she's shattered. As Artemis, she's like a...... hollow shell."

"She didn't go to the Watchtower today. She just sat in her room-your room, and cried. I was there with her. Your parents, Uncle Barry, Aunt Iris, all were there. I just couldn't stand so much....... emotions at one place. So I came here. Do you remember this place?" When there was no response from the night, he continued, "This was the place we met for the first time. I still remember that day.You were hiding behind Flash, as though Batman would skin you alive." A low chuckle escaped his lips at the memory. "And that stupid trap we fell for that day! God! That was embarassing!" He waited for the darkness to tell him how it was 'totally his fault'. As expected, no reply came.

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