Chapter 12

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... o_o.... *Hides*

Recap (Marissa's POV): “Can't believe what, Charlotte? So what if I like Arabelle,” I reply. Shaking her head in disbelief, she backs away from us.

“Fine. But from this point on, as far as I'm concerned, you're both dead to me.” With that, she turns on her heal and slams the door shut, storming away. Arabelle taps her chin thoughtfully.

“Hmm. If we're dead to her, does that mean that she's going to ignore us from now on, or does it just mean she hates us?” she ponders. I roll my eyes and slap her arm playfully.

“I'll talk to her. But in the mean time, I have a question for you, Miss Lock.”

“Mm, and what might that be?” she replies with a smile. I lean up on my elbows, cocking my head to the side with a grin.

“Will you be my girlfriend?” I ask. She smiles brightly, leaning down and kissing me lovingly.

“It would be my honor, Miss Oliver.”


Arabelle's POV

I smile widely, happiness flooding my heart. I lean down to kiss her perfect lips before answering. “It would be my honor, Miss Oliver,” I reply confidently. I then proceed to jump off the bed and start dancing around the room in excitement.

Well, more like wildly flailing my arms around in joy.

“WOOO! I HAVE THE HOTTEST GIRLFRIEND EVER!!” I shout while Marissa laughs at my antics, clutching her sides. I grin, leaping back onto the bed and tackling her with a hug. God, it feels so good to be able to hug someone without feeling like I'm burning.

“I think we need to fucking celebrate,” I suddenly declare, pulling away from the hug and staring at her with a smile. The weight of the past two days is still in the back of my mind, reminding me of my procrastinated promises, but right now they don't matter. What matters is, I feel truly happy for the first time in a long time.

Marissa laughs and gives me a mischievous smile. “Hmm, fucking celebrate? I think I'd be okay with that... we'd have to be quiet though, Charlotte's just down the hall.” My mouth falls open in shock.

“Oh my god, I think Lily has tainted your mind... Since when were you such a horn dog?” I tease, poking her forehead.

“Since I met the sexiest badass in the school,” she answers with a devilish grin. Embarrassingly, I blush at her comment.

“Whatever, you pervert. I say we get ice cream!” I announce, climbing off the bed and dragging her with me. She laughs her beautiful laugh, succumbing to my tugging.

“Then ice cream it is.”

Charlotte's POV

I can still hear them through the pillow I'm pressing over my head, laughing and shouting like idiots.

“WOOO! I HAVE THE HOTTEST GIRLFRIEND EVER!!” I hear Arabelle's voice shout. My whole body freezes, and I start to tremble in anger.

That bitch.

I throw the pillow across my room, getting up and throwing the stack of books on my desk as well. Why stop there? Before I know it, I'm throwing everything in my room, tears streaming down my face.

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