Diambow 16

350 11 3

Please be the rainbow when the rain goes away

You woke up one morning. It was just another morning. You look a the alarm then to a mirror to see that there you had a bed hair. You didn't felt like going out of the bed, so you decided to sleep once more. When you woke up, you saw a sticky note on your forehead.

From Natsume: Go downstairs and eat.

When you walk to the kitchen, another sticky note was left for you.

From Dad: After you're done eating, go visit Kuroko's house. He has something to tell you.

You called Kuroko but no one picked up. You went over to his house since the note thing was pretty funny. Was this from Nijimura? No, he didn't say anything about visiting. He hasn't even told you if his dad was better for them to go back to America. 

You rang the doorbell but you hear laughter from behind. "Auntie!"

"Hi, honey. Where's your daddy?" You hugged the child as you realize there was another sticky note from the back of the child.

From Kuroko: Hi, [Last Name]. Can you go to Momoi's house and drop the baby there? My wife is inside but don't bother her at the moment. Please keep it a secret that I left the baby outside.

You sweatdrop, picking up the baby. You walk to your car, driving yourself and the baby to Momoi's house. Momoi looks at you, confused. "What's going on?"

"That's what I would like to know. Why do you have Tetsu-kun's baby? Don't tell me you're going to kidnap her because you want her for yourself? I know she's cute but she's not yours!"

"I don't think his wife would like that." you sweatdrop. You look around, kind of feeling sad that there was no note. "I'm going to go. You take care of the baby."


"Bye." You started to put your shoes and open the door. Another note was sticking out on the door. You smile, taking the note.

From Momoi: Behind you.

Behind me? Before you could turn around, Aomine grabbed you from the behind, putting a tissue in front of your mouth. You started to struggle your way out and look at him, angrily. "What are you doing?"

"I told you, Satsuki! This doesn't work in the movies."

"What are you talking about-" You got knocked out with a pan.

"I told you this can happen like the movies."

"What movies hit people with a pan?!"

"Tangled." Momoi answers. "Come on. Let's kidnap her already." 

"Satsuki, I think you hit her cold." Aomine sweatdrops. The two of them drove you along with Kuroko's kid to an empty and dark room. When you woke up, you couldn't see anything but could feel a rope tied around you. You tried to struggle out of it but it felt impossible.

"Where am I?! How did I get here!? AHHHHH" Well obviously screaming didn't help. You looked around. "Well this got dark and scary all of a sudden."

"What the- how did I get here?! It's so dark, where the hell am I?!" 

"Shuzo?" you asks.

"[Name]? Where-"

"I don't know! Last thing, I remember Aomine was touching me!"

"Aomine did? I'm gonna slay-" The lights turned on. You saw yourself got stuck on the chair and Nijimura standing wearing an outfit in front of you, knelt down, holding a box. You sweatdrop. "Uh, [Name]?"


"Why are you tied up?"

"Idiot, Senpai! You're suppose to tell her!!" Kise yells.

"I didn't ask for my fiancee to be tied up!! And Aomine, you bastard, touching my girl! She's my girl!"

"Fiancee..?" Nijimura sighs, unwrapping you since it seems his first priority. He knelt down once more.

"Will you marry me?" You blush.

"I can't.. You've made me wait way too long." You sighed. "I snore now when I sleep. Sometimes, I wake up on the floor. When I wake up, my hair is a mess. Will you still accept me?"

"[Name], the reason why I love you is because I love all the sides to you. I accept every one of them. No matter what you say or do. The idiotic but cute things you do. The fact that you waited for someone like me, I love you. I thought about you 24/7 and even if you're modest to know how precious you are, I love the way you show all the bad and good sides to me. I can only accept you."

"Then I, Nijimura [Name] will accept your love."


"Shut up, Kise!"

"I didn't know you can act cheesy, Nijimura-san." Akashi comments, embarrassed by his words.

"I feel like this is the wedding already." Momoi cries.

"You hit her with a pan. You shouldn't be invited." Aomine smugs. 

"What?!" Nijimura yells. "You hit-"

"My girl?" Kise and Aomine both scoffs and repeat. "Jinx, you owe me a soda."

"Shut up, Kise and Aomine! The both of you haven't changed a bit! Why did you hit [Name], anyway!? And why the hell did I propose in the Teiko's gym? I don't want to get yelled at by the teacher's again! I've lived that life in middle school!"

"Oh, Shuzo.." you facepalm.

"Why is there so much children here...?" Fuyu[1] asks.

"Did I went into the right room?" Kuroko asks. "There is no intelligent life form in this room."

Please be the diamond to shine my day


Oi. Give me your hand. I'm going to put this diamond ring and ask you to marry me.
I'll protect you and be your family. So say yes and marry me.
"I love you..." -
Lyrics belong to DenZero

[1]: Kuroko + Akash's wife. Me. My second name. (((;

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