
56 4 17

Well... Allons-yCrew challenge me so... lets do it

P.S: Us: I will put somethings like we do it here in my country... if you don't understand me I'm sorry ;-;

1. Yes I have one -///-
2. Alaric ((Sorry! Is that me and him liked that name until Hima put a official name to him))
3. 1.80m
4. 43
5. Blue.
6. Like three or four days ago...
7. That my daughter and brother go away from me...
8. Mein Gott....
9. I really don't have...

Us: KNOW ME!!!!

1. Nop
2. Maria Antonia (is that I have two names.... xD)
3. 1.76
4. 41
5. Brown
6. Ehhhhh I think that five or six days ago...
7. That my family and friends stop loving me...
8. History Maker XD
9. Ehhh I don't know XD

And now....







Us: And the ones that want to do it!!!

Germania SpeaksDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora