Chapter 1- First Encounters

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"C'mon (Name), it won't be that bad." Your mother cooed, tugging on your small hand.

"Mama, please! Don't make me go in there! I don't know anyone, and I'll look like a pathetic little baby!" You whined, pulling back, face contorted into a harsh frown. You were on the brink of tears.

You were (Name) (Last Name), age 7, a talented little girl filled with a passion for figure skating. You had moved to a new town in Russia, one a few hours away from your old one, and now, you were facing your imenent fear of going to the new ice rink you were supposed to skate in, as well as meet your new coach.

You were horrified.

"(Name), I know you're better than this." Your mother got down on her knees, crouching to your level.

"You are strong, you are smart, and you are capable of marching into that rink and showing all those prissy skaters what you've got. Now, are you going to give up, or are you going to keep on moving?" She stated strongly, holding onto your shoulders with a strong yet tender grip. Your (e/c) eyes widened, and within seconds you were filled with a new wave determination, heading towards the doors of the rink at full speed, skating bag bouncing on your side.

When you entered the rink, the first thing you were greeted with was magnificent architecture, gold colored banisters and intricate designs carved into the corners and walls and ceiling of the building. You looked around in awe, beginning to walk around aimlessly with your head raised to the ceiling above you, not paying much attention to anything else.

"Oof!" You sputtered, hitting a hard surface. You looked up at the figure in front of you, and came face to face, or more face to stomach, with an old, grumpy looking man.

"Can I help you, young lady?" The man grumbled, lips twitching in annoyance. You cowered under him, slowly backing away and muttering apologies for bumping into him. Just as you were about to dash out the door once again, your mother walked in just in time, scooping you up in her arms as you darted away from the elder man.

"What is it, honey?" Your mother asked sweetly, rubbing your back to calm you down. She looked away from you and looked up from her crouched position, and saw the man still standing there, watching with an expression that seemed both angry and sympathetic.

"Yakov! Did you scare her?" Your mother mocked, raising an eyebrow at Yakov.

"(Mom's Name), I didn't realize it was her." He replied, turning his attention back to you.

"Hey there, kid. You're the little girl I've heard so much about?" He said a little softer. You slowly emerged from your mother's arms, turning around to face him, your arms still scrunched up on your chest.

"Y-yeah." You muttered.

"Well then, you're here to prove to me you're worthy of a professional coach, right? Get on that ice." Yakov ordered, gesturing with his head to the ice rink next to him. You blinked, standing still for a moment before jumping into action, nodding your head rapidly.

"Yes sir!" You yapped, and then dashed to the locker room.

~time skip brought to you by Yurio's salty self~

You were warming up, gliding around on the ice aimlessly and stretching your arms and legs. Your mother was sitting in one of the bleachers, watching with silent excitement, while Yakov was leaning on the surrounding rail of the rink.

"Alright, that's enough. Show me what you've got." Yakov barked. You nodded briefly, and then made your way to the center of the ice. Your nerves were racing, and your little hands were practically shaking with fear, but you gave all you had, and started to move.

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