Never Let Me Go (A Isaac Lahey fanfic)

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One minute I'm in my bed sleeping... The next I'm running for my life!!!

~Chapter 1~

-My POV-

I've been crying for days non stop for what happened to my mom. Her and her new boyfriend were driving home from eating dinner at Olive Garden, when the weather decided to take a turn for the worse. My soon to become step-dad turned a sharp corner and flipped the whole car over, killing both of them on impact. I was at home, when I heard a knock at the door.

"Are you Stephanie Clearwater?"


"I'm sorry to tell you this but your mom and dad have been killed in a car crash."


"Your mom and dad are dead sweetheart... I'm sorry for your lost..."

"Ok first of all, that guy wasn't my dad... And second of all where am I going to go?"

"We've contacted your real dad I guess, and he said you can move in with him down in beacon hills."

"Ok. Thank you for telling me. When am I leaving?"

"Your flight leaves at 12:00pm tomorrow. Don't be late."

I close the door and run upstairs to my room. Can this really be happening to me??? Why me?? Why now?? I was just getting comfortable with living here. Now I have to move all the way across the country to live with a guy that hasn't been with me for mostly all my life??? This is going to be a long week...

~ The next day~

I hear my alarm going off and I know today's the day... The day I leave this house, leave my friends, and leave my school... Just leave it all behind me... I get out of bed and get an outfit out of my closet. I go get in the shower and eat breakfast.. I pack up the last few things I want or need before walking out of the house I grew up in, and locking the door and everything inside it. I call a cab to take me to the air port and I check in, get my luggage past the luggage people, and board my plain to California.

After a few hours of nothing go by, the pilot comes on the intercom and tells us we will be landing in beacon hills in less then 20 minutes... So many thoughts are running threw my head... Who will I meet? What's school going to be like? Will I make friends? Those several questions I asked must've taken the full 20 minutes because we were landing by the time I was done. I got off the plain and was greeted by a tall slender man.

"Oh Stephanie, you look beautiful sweetheart!! I've missed you so much!!"

"Could this be my dad?? The man who hasn't been there for me in over 10 years??"

"So darling, how old are you now, 21??"

"Um who are you again??"

"I'm Tyler! Your dad."

He really was my dad.. I could kinda tell now.. With the way he was built. And his eyes, that bluish grey color. I have eyes like my mom. Hazel eyes and chocolate brown hair.

"Hi daddy!! I've missed you so much! Sorry to be rude, but um can we go get some food! That stuff on the plain is horrible!!"

He just smiles and nods. We walk outside and for once, I feel the warm sun on my legs! I didn't get much sun back in Tennessee. So it felt good to have the sun on my face. We pulled in to McDonald's and I got a Cesar salad and my dad got 2 mcdoubles. All the sudden, three teenage guys that look my age walked in. One had short brown hair, one had longish black hair, and the last one... Had dirty blonde hair.. They were being really funny. At least the one with dirty blonde hair was. He was putting the guy with black hair in a headlock.

"Isaac, cut it out!"

So his name was Isaac... Isaac is a really cute name. I've always like the name Isaac. It just had a ring to it that was life changing to me.

I saw the guy with black hair point at me. Isaac looked at me and let the guy go and stared at me.

"Awwww. Isaac's in looove."

"Shut up Scott!!"

Was it true?? Was Isaac really in love with me??

Me and my dad finished eating and left. When we got home, I went upstairs to my room and opened the door. It was just like my room back at my moms! The bed was the same.. The walls were the same dark purple... Everything reminded me of my mom. I started to unpack and by the time it was dinner I was completely unpacked. We were having steak.. Which by the way is my favorite meat. After dinner, I took a shower, got in bed and fell into a deep sleep...

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