Chapter 1

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"Raveeeeen" my name ringing through my ears. My eyes drifted to my clock. They suddenly shot open.
"Shit!" I was going to be late for the first day back at school. I threw on my black jeans and my hoodie. Scurrying down the stairs. My foot caught on to something at the bottom of the stairs, I look back at my ocean blue eyed husky slumped on the floor. A thud as I whacked the floor.

A laugh filled the room. My eyes shooting daggers at the direction it came from. Standing there - my brother. The creases of his mouth hugging his lips as he laughed harder. His head flung back in amusement followed by his dark hair.

"Fuck off Colton" I said with a sarcastic smile. Once I made it off the floor. I hurried over to the fridge. Throwing everything about looking for some food. There was nothing to eat. Colton pushed past me telling me I had two minutes before he left to go to school without me.
So I simply grabbed an apple and left.

Colton had a black Audi R8. It was sleek and shiny, he never let his 'baby' get dirty. He was quite a tall person, and had a muscly body. This of course is why all the guys envied him and all the girls wanted him. I would constantly hear all the girls at my school talk about how "god made him himself' and that "his face was carved by gods". However he's my brothers so I see him as an annoying asshole.

When we got to school we went our separate ways. Him off to the jocks - since he was the captain of the lacrosse team and of course off to the bitchiest girls in school. Especially Lindsay. Lindsay was his not official, official girlfriend. Which meant that they acted like a couple even though they weren't.

Where as I went of to my friends. Alice, alice has been my best friend since playgroup. We were inseparable, we were sisters, similar is so many ways, act the same, talk the same, everything. Then there was Brandon, he was the funniest person I have ever met. He lit me up in ways you couldn't imagine. He's the one that would never back out of something, this was good but also a burden. He was always dragging me into his mischief. Lastly there's Jax, Jax was always causing fights between the 'populars' because he didn't give one shit about what people thought of him. This is what I like about him because I am like that too. I don't give one damn what people think of me.

"Yoooo, so who's going to Lindsay's party Friday night" said Jax with a hint of excitement imbedded in his voice. Brandon, Alice and I all staring at each other. Brandon agreed to go slapping hands with Jax and fist pumping. Then Alice followed with a nod of approval and a cheeky smile. Lastly all eyes were on me.

"Why the hell not" I agreed smirking knowing too well that Lindsay hated me because of her relationship with my brother. I don't get her problem. Maybe bitchiness is just in her blood. And at that the moment the bell rang for first period. Media, I had media. I loved the subject, however it was the teacher I hated. She was a tall skinny blonde haired women. She would always wear clothes that doesn't fit her and don't get me started on her makeup. She was like all girls at my school with that tangerine line at the bottom of her jaw. If I think about it I think the feelings of hatred goes both ways.

I was looking down at my book when I heard a voice. It was deep....husky like. It sent shivers down my spine. The voice I didn't recognise it but it sounded like it belonged to a good looking person. I glance up at the tall messy haired guy standing in the door way. His jaw was so sharp. It could kill. He smiled at the teacher. His teeth perfectly straight and bright while. His canines where sharp and pointed. For some reason I found this attractive. A little laugh came from his mouth.

"Sorry I'm late" the guy said. My teacher pointed to the empty space next to me asked him to take a seat. As he sat down I knew that this was going to be fun. I sent a smirk his way as he looked at me. At this he raised his eyebrow. His eyebrows were a good shape, they were tamed.

"Aidan" he spoke. At this I furrowed my eyebrows. "My name, its Aidan, yours?" My brows went from furrowed to one of them raised. He looked surprised at my reaction. Like he's never been rejected before. I look back down at my book and continue my work. Finally the bell rang at it was time for break. I tried to get up and leave as quick as possible, however an arm stopped me. I swung my head around, pulled out of Aidan's grip and kept walking. Once again an expression of surprise swept over his face.

When I got to the lunch table all of my friends were already there. I slumped down in between Brandon and Alice. "Who's seen the new guy?" Alice shot at all of us clearly said in excitement. I nodded and carried on to say that I've seen him. Alice then talks nonstop about how hot he is.

"Don't you think he's hot". I nodded frantically and agreed. I did think he's hot, I wasn't going to deny it because he is. However Jax didn't look like he approved when I said that. His jaw tensed as he looked up at the entrance to the food hall. I didn't get why because it was only my brother and his friends. Wait... at the back. Walking in with them was Aidan. I don't get why Jax doesn't like him, I mean he hasn't even met him yet.

"Are you okay?" I said holding Jax arm. His eyes shot from Aidan to me and in that instance they went from cold to warm. A soft expression appeared on his face. He looked down at my hand holding him and back at me. "Yeah I'm good" he spoke softly. Brandon coughed breaking the silence between us all. Followed by Jax coughing and changing the subject.


As Colton and I pulled into the drive way we noticed that new neighbours were moving in. I sat in the car watching to see who it was. "Hurry up or I'm locking you in" Colton shouted. I hurried out of the car. He started walking towards the garage of the new neighbours house.

"Where are you going?" I shouted.

"To say hi to Aidan". At this my mouth dropped. Aidan was our new neighbour. As Colton got closer someone strolled out from the garage. It was Aidan. He and my brother started doing some fist pump then a pat on the back thing and started talking. I was still in the back just standing there. Aidan's eyes moved to me. I started to walk over and Colton started to walk away.

"Well, what do we have here?" I spoke.

"Ahhh, so your the sister of Colton" he laughed. "Are you going to tell me your name now?" He smiled.

"Raven" with that I walked away and entered my house.

Holy crap here I go again writing a book that will get no reads or comments but idk I could happens so anyways I hope you will stick around to read upcoming chapters and will like, comment and share if you like what you're reading. If not then your loss because I'm fabulous...jk I'm a potato but ehh hope you enjoyed reading x

Oh and also if you have any improvement or suggestion just put them forth and I will read them and hopefully make my story better x

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