Chapter 3

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My first instinct was to go see him, to see if he was alright. Not bothering to put on shoes or a jacket. Dressed only in small pink frilly booty shorts and a white croptop. No bra. Because who in their right mind sleeps with a bra on. Like seriously.

My legs carried me fast down the stairs till I leapt out of the front door. I rushed to see what had happened to him. To Colton. He had crashed into my mothers car in the driveway and from my window it looked like he must have been going at quite some speed since there was colossal damage to the cars. What was he thinking?! Driving home from the party drunk. Drunk.

Before I could reach the scene I saw someone pulling my brother out of the carnage that was left. I hurried over as quick as I possibly could. It was Aidan. He was the one helping my brother out. Before I froze. Fear taking control of my whole body. I stand there not being able to move. The sight of my brother smothered in blood with a great big gash on the top of his forehead. Aidan spun round my brother still in his arms. "Call 999". Still I stand there frozen. "RAVEN" Aidan's deep and harsh tone of voice brought me out of my state of shock. "Call 999". Without a reply I bolt into the house and find the nearest phone.

After I called the authorities I rush back outside to go see Colton. He's lying unconscious on the floor next to Aidan. I kneel down next to him I reach out to hold his hand. I can feel Aidan's stare on the back of my neck. He moves closer until he is kneeled down next to me. My eyes don't break away from Colton. I felt a warm presence wrap its way over my shoulder and around the other side of my neck. It was Aidan's arm. "It's okay" he whispered into my ear. As soon as I heard his soft words that was it. Water started pouring from my eyes. Like someone had opened the flood gates to them. They didn't fall slowly they were rapid and quick. More and more fell. The ambulance had finally arrived. They started to wheel him into the ambulance on the stretcher. "Are you coming with us miss?" One of the paramedics asked me. I was about too reply yes until Aidan stepped in and spoke out. "I'll drive her" I glanced back at him and his gave me a small smile but it was full with sincerity. As the ambulance drove off one last tear fell from my eye. Aidan's hand came closer to my face and slowly brushed it away with his thumb. His touch was soft and sent tingles throughout my body, down my neck and spine and back up. "He'll be okay". There is is again. That word. Okay. It's just a filler for when people don't know what to say.

The car ride to the hospital was silent. Because I couldn't think of any words to say. So we sat in the motionless silence.

When we arrived I rushed straight to the desk and asked for "Colton Classen". The women with light brown hair that was tied up in a previously neat bun but now a little messy. Told me that unfortunately he was still in surgery because he has wounds that needed urgent attention. She had small bags under her eyes a faint black/purple colour. This is understandable since it was the early hours in the morning.

I slumped down into a chair opposite the desk. Aidan sat next to me. I could once again feel his eyes on me. Maybe it was the fact that I was still in booty shorts and a croptop. I stare back. And knowing my luck I shiver. His eyes look me up and down. "Your cold" it wasn't really a question but more of a statement. "No" I simply say back. His eyebrows furrowed. He lifted his hand and ran it up and down my arm. "Then explain why you have goosebumps?" He smirked. I lied. I was cold, but how could I waste time getting a jacket when my brother was in need of help. I can't be that selfish. However I might have had time to grab a pair of shoes since I was still bare foot.

However the goosebumps didn't appear because I was cold. They appeared when he touched my skin. His touch. It was so smooth and gentle. I got caught up in my thoughts before I notice me him taking of his leather jacket. Slowly he swung it around my shoulder and I stretched my arms through the arm holes. It was so warm and comfortable. The arms where obviously too long for me since you couldn't even see my hands peak out of the bottom. Aidan also had broad shoulders so that made it look even bigger on me. For some reason it made me feel as if everything was going to be okay. Until a low laugh came from his mouth. "What?" I projected defensively. A smile grew on his face, however it wasn't his usual smirk it looked genuine and warming. "What?" I protested. "Nothing" he said raising his eyebrows and his shoulders. "Tell me" whacking him on his hard, stern chest. "It's a bit big don't you think?" He said playfully. "You're just jealous that it looks better in me than you" I sassed flicking my hair and turning away from him. "Hurt, I am truly hurt that you would say that" he mocked holding his hand to his chest pretending to look hurt by what I just said. "But I'm not going to disagree". At the sound of him saying this I'm glad that I wasn't facing him because I felt my cheeks get hot and start to blush.

Aidan's POV

It was true she did look good with my jacket on. It was cute how it was way to big for her and how it looked like it could swallow her whole at any minute. However I couldn't stop thinking about what happened earlier. At the party.  That kiss, the many kisses she left over my body. The feeling of electricity she left behind after each and everyone. I needed to talk to her about it. But was this the right time? He brother is undergoing surgery. But if not now, when?

Finally she turned around to face me again. She got up and walked over to the desk once more. Nothing had changed Colton was still in surgery. From where I was sat I could see her arse. It was round and perky. She has the perfect body. She swung around looking disappointed. I looked away as quick as I could to make it seem like I wasn't staring. But it was to late, see caught me. "Like what you see?" Raising her eyebrows. I did like what I could see but I wasn't about to tell her that. "What makes you think that?" I teased her. "Other than the fact that you were drooling over the site of me in my booty shorts? Nothing really" a playful smile appeared on her face. She was hot and she knew it. It was nice to know that in a situation like this I could make her smile. She reached over to my face and pretended to wipe away the 'drool' that I had by the corner of my lips.

This was my chance to talk to her. I need to know if she can feel the pull towards me like the pull I feel towards her. "Hey Raven..." I pause not waiting for a reply but think about how I'm going to ask her. 
"About earli-"  I was cut of by the sound of a doctor calling out a name.

"Colton Classens family".

Ooooo so what do you think is going to happen to Colton??
Will the conversation between Aidan and Raven about the party happen or will he not bring it up?
Hope you enjoyed this episode lovies x
Until next time x

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2017 ⏰

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