"You're Welcome"

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There you were stuck in the sand after that catastrophe that happened at the sea. Long story short, you were Moana's best friend, you guys were two peas in a pod. Moana always searched, she was searching to figure out what she wanted to do. You were also in the same boat, the time had come when you had to decide what you wanted to do with your life. Since you could remember you were able to do things other people couldn't do. Why would that happen? You needed an answer. So you went secretly on this trip with Moana to figure out why was this happening, how, and why you? All to just destroy the boat and make you land or more like get shipwrecked on a sandy shore. When you came to, all you could hear was Moana's voice yelling at the sea, "-fish pee in you!" To which you chuckled at her insult. You stood up with an ache in your head. You winced, "ow, man the sea surely was trying to save us."

"Oh, hi y/n. You don't look so good, are you ok", Moana asked. "Yeah. I'm fine just a little bruise- hey...do you hear that?" "What do you mean y/n?" That's when you both looked behind and saw a huge shadow of what looked like a person. You and Moana ran behind the boat. Your heart was pounding was this the man or more like the demi-god you both have been looking for. All you could hear on the side was Moana reciting her introduction to when she meets Maui. "Boat!" Your heart leaped out of your chest, here it is... "The god has given me a boat-ahhhhhhhh!" His shriek made you giggle it sounded like a little girls scream. Then Moana started, "Maui. Shape shifter. Demi-god of the wind and sea. I am Moana." "Yep she is the Moana. That she is", you said. They both just stared at you. "What? I was just helping you out with your speech." Moana kept on. While she was talking all you could think about was you were literally inches away from the famous demi-god. You had so many questions. But you never noticed this or heard stories of how handsome he was. His hair looked like silk, and his tattoos told stories. "Wow", you muttered. "Excuse me, what the heck are you looking at", Maui questioned. "Oh nothing um yeah we need you to come with us", you said. "Why should I um what was your name?" "Y/n", you said with an annoyed look. "Y/n why should I? I already signed the oar." Moana shouted, "And I'm not here so you can sign my oar". You realized that this disagreement was going on before your little um *cough, cough* daydream. But he was already getting to your nerves. You and Moana said in unison, "We're here because you stole the heart of Te-fiti. And you will board mine (*you*, her) boat. Sail across the sea and put it back!"

"Yeah, it almost sounds like you don't like me. Which is impossible because I got stuck here for a thousand years, trying to get the heart as a gift for you, mortals...So you have the power to create life itself," Maui said. "Excuses, excuses," you whispered. "Yes, so I believe you are trying to say is thank you. Say it y/n, say thank you to the highest demi-god." "Wait thank you," you repeated. "Your welcome," he clarified "No that's not what I'm trying to say, I wasn't trying to I was I was um I um-"

"Okay, okay, okay. I see what's happening here."

"Oh great a song, why, why, why couldn't this be easy, ugh life," you whined.

"You're face to face with greatness, and it's strange
you don't even know how you feel
it's adorable!
Well, it's nice to see that humans never change"

"Was he actually singing, oh yes he was. Oh what a nice voice. It is so soothing and it's so calming. No y/n what are you thinking get those lovey dovey thoughts out of your head."-in your head

"Open your eyes, let's begin
yes, it's really me, it's Maui: breathe it in!

I know it's a lot: the hair, the bod!
When you're staring at a demi-god"

"Oh god I am staring at that bod, how hot! He was looking at me when saying that, was he flirting? No that can't be."- In your head

"What can I say except you're welcome
for the tides, the sun, the sky
Hey, it's okay, it's okay
you're welcome
I'm just an ordinary demi-guy"

Moana Maui x Goddess! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now