*Mini-story* Moana Maui x Goddess!Reader "Our Last Journey"

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Second part to "The Raft"

"Huh I fell asleep. I don't remember when I did. Ouch, my head hurts." You awaken with a small candle lighting the room covered in sweat with your hands tied behind your back. (You hands are tied with a strong metal band.)

When you finally came to, you gasped in shock at where you were. You remembered what that man did to you. "Where am I," you asked. "Hey, anyone, someone, help me!" You turned your head quickly when you heard the hinges of the door open. In came Blake.

His attitude changed completely. His once smile turned into an evil smirk. He now carried a gun. His eyes turned villainous and dark. "Thanks doll for the boat."

"What do you mean," you questioned.

"Well, I used that so called "amazing" ship you told me about. Thanks for showing it to me," Blake said with a smirk.

"How could you? This doesn't belong to you! This belongs to my fellow villagers. They made this!" You squirmed trying to get the tied metal off you. Your hair disheveled, stuck to your forehead.

"Do you really think I care about your village? I only needed you, that's why we came here."

"Wh-what do you mean?"

"What I mean is The Amercian Society needs you, your power. Well with your gift, they would pay a whole lot. We will be famous. You really thought we were kind? How stupid are you!"

"No you can't. If you do this your people will try to gain more power and be in search for my village. Please I'm begging you!"

"Enough! You're going to America and that's it!"

You grew quiet and Blake left in distress. Your eyes scanned the area to see if there was anything you could use to break the metal off. "C'mon y/n you have to think of something. What can I use?" You thought to yourself.

You look to see the weapons on the side. Scooting closer to them you dropped them all on the floor from the bucket they were in. You got a sword with your mouth and dropped it to your hands. Your goal is to get the point to the lock to pick at it.

You have your concentration face on. If you could not do this you would surely lose and potentially get taken. With all your struggle and thought you hear a click. "Yes," you said aloud.

You take the restraints off and make your escape. You take a long sword with you. *Btw I know y/n has powers BUT she uses the weapon when she meets henchmen or cruisemates on the side since she wants to use her energy/power on the real enemy*

You get to the doorway and move your head back and forth to see if people are coming. Walking with caution around the ship to cause no attention. You try to make your way to the top deck. As you're running you think of all your friends and the love of your life. You have to survive for him and your village.

Blake's point of view:

"I was listening through the radio. I heard every last word," I thought. "Well boys it seems as if our little rat has escaped. Why don't you teach her a lesson," I spoke aloud in the walkie-talkie.

Back to your point of view:

"Okay so far so good I don't see no one. Hey this isn't so bad as I thought." Suddenly, a figure came into view. With an annoyed look you say, "spoke too soon." The figure was Bagel. "So you think you can just leave without saying goodbye?" He questioned you while coming closer, both of you now circling to see who would make the first move. "Well maybe I wanted to leave you questioning my presence," you answered.

"Awww well thats too bad." After saying this he closed his eyes, smirked, pulled his knife out and came at full speed at you. You got your sword out and pointed it at him with a determined look on you. "Heh you should watch where you put your feet next time." With that he kicked your legs and that sent you toppling on your back. He came with the knife to your face to stab you but you moved just in time so he stabbed the floor. His knife got stuck to the wood, you got up, went to him, and jumped on his back. You put your hands around his thick neck, trying to let no air into his body at least to get him to pass out. Of course, that didn't work instead Bagel put his hands on you and flipped you over his head. Your body landed on the opposite side far away from him and your sword...in the middle of you and him. (Bagels knife is still in the wood plank) Both of you look at each other in shock. At that moment it was either you getting that sword or him...and you were not going to let it be him.

Moana Maui x Goddess! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now