"I told you so" Part 1

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Hamilton x Fem reader (Fluff)

You walk into the ballroom with your sisters: Angelica, Peggy and Eliza, your green dress in your hands as you try to prevent the material from dragging on the floor. "Angelica, must we go to these balls? I find them awfully tedious.." You complain. Angelica turns to you "Yes y/n we have to. You never know, you may make a friend or two or even find a man..." She says and nudges you further into the middle of the room.

You sigh, not wanting to be there at all. 'Find a man... Yeah right. I can barely talk to people during conversation let alone in a romantic way.' Just then, you hear a rather loud laugh and turn to see who it belongs to. You stop dead in your tracks, your eyes resting upon one of the most handsome faces you have ever seen, his eyes... His jaw... His everything... You didn't realize you were staring until you feel a hand on your shoulder, you turn your head to see Eliza "go get him y/n, you'll regret it if you don't, he looks like a good one." She says to you as she walks off to the other side of the ballroom.

You go back to staring at the handsome stranger, not being able to work up the courage to go over to him, and your heart sinks as you see Angelica grab his arm. 'I knew he was too good to be true..' You turn away, only to be called back by your eldest sister. You turn back to answer and you're met with the same eyes that entranced you previously.

Nervously, you extend your hand to him "y-y/f/n Schuyler it's a pleasure to meet you" you stutter as your cheeks heat up. "Schuyler?" He asks, your cheeks only darken as you hear his silky voice. "My sister." You hear Angelica say as he holds your hand and brings it to his lips. You suddenly get a rush of confidence. "Thank you for all your service." You say nervously, your voice wavering a bit. He smirks slightly, causing your insides to melt into a puddle. "If it takes fighting a war for us to meet it will have been worth it." He says looking into your eyes. You hear Angelica's grin through her "I'll leave you to it" as she walks over to Eliza.

"What's your name, sir?" You say as you place your hands in front of you and straighten your back, your eyes never leaving his.
"My name is Alexander Hamilton, and there's a million things I haven't done, but just you wait." You smile as you see his eyes light up with determination when he describes the lack of things he's done. "Would you like to dance, Miss Schuyler?" He says, offering you his hand. "I would love to, Mr Hamilton." You reply with a slight giggle as you take his gloved hand and are led to the dancefloor.
You feel his hand on your waist and your cheeks brighten, his hand seems to sit in the curve of your body perfectly.

"Miss y/n... Would you like to accompany me to dinner some day soon?" Alexander asks as the ball comes to an end. "I most certainly would, Alexander. Write to me, won't you?"
"Of course, my love." He says and kisses you hand once more, your heart racing and your stomach full of butterflies as he leaves and you here Angelica behind you "I told you so."

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