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This is the long awaited book three. Thank you all for your patience, I couldn't have managed it without all your support and encouragement. I hope you enjoy it as much as I've had writing it.
Mwah <3



The storm rolls in like a wave full of malicious intent, the rain like little spears piercing the skin of those unprepared for its attack, hiding in the closed shops doorway only provides me shelter from the rain and not from the bone chilling wind. My coat and jeans provide little warmth, sinking to the floor, my back pressed against the cold windows, resting my cheek on my knees i watch the bustle of people hurry past, no glance to me, i am invisible to them. They all have nice warm homes to get back to, why would they spare a glance to what they would assume is just a troubled teenager, being rebellious. But it wasn't always like this, i used to have a home, a family but things change so fast that i lost it all and just learnt to adapt. My name is Serena Marsh, I am 19 years old and this is just the start of my story.

I was 14 when my father was killed when the fishing boat he was manning capsized, the whole crew were lost to the hungry waves of the Atlantic ocean, my mum sank into depression, she had lost her everything. My parents had been together since they were 15, it was love at first sight they always used to tell me, they were perfect, they were my everything. But my dads death took a higher toll on my mother than anyone but me realised, she started using drugs and drinking, i lost count of the amount of times i would find her unconscious somewhere, i had to grow up quick. Nobody knew the struggles, i hid them, i had already lost my dad, i didnt want to be taken away from my mother as well. It was always only the three of us against the world, they never spoke of their families, i dont even know whether they had any.

For a year i looked after mum, wandering the streets past midnight searching for her when she would escape from the house to get her next fix, i learnt to block my emotions, to guard my heart and try not to notice all the horrible things i witnessed and just got on with my life as best that i could. But my world came crashing down when mum came home one evening, clinging to a strange mans arm, my heart dropped at the sight. He was tall and well built, his shaven head and stubble terrified me, tattoos covered most of his visible skin, sporting a leather jacket made me worry more, what did this man do?

"Mum whose this?" i ask when my voice cooperates with me. She looks up at the man with adoration in her clouded gaze.

"This is Trevor. he is your dad now. i love him." Completely taken aback i can only stare in shock at the woman who now only vaguely reminds me of the mother who brought me up, the resemblance disappearing fast. 

"He is not my dad and never will be. i cant believe you. You disgust me." Holding the tears at bay i race to my room, slamming the door and locking it sharply. I thought it would just be a phase and that when he refused to get her drugs anymore then she would kick him out, but i was wrong. He needed a place to stay and encouraged my mum to take more and more drugs until she was never lucid anymore, her skin sagged, the weight falling off of her, her teething rotting, eyes permanently glazed over and god knows what her inside looks like now. I hated Trevor, he was verbally abusive to me, banning me from even speaking to my mum, most nights i would find them both passed out in the livingroom, needles still embedded in their skin, the half smoked joints hanging from their numb fingers, the smell and sight made me sick, but every night i would have to put the joints out and take the needles from their skin, putting them in a box in the kitchen, again the box was almost full and it had only been a fortnight. I hated this life, but what choice did i have? i didnt want to lose my mum.

A year had passed, my 16th birthday had come and gone, nothing from my mum, i received a card from my school tutor, Miss Greene but she had asked me to call her Anna, i had been round her house a couple of times to collect work when i had missed school and she helped me with my work, she seems to have been the only constant person in my life since my dad died. for that i love her. She has always been there for me and helped me with anything i had needed to ask her about since i couldnt speak to my mum and i had isolated myself from all my peers at school. Silenting opening the front door, my school bag heavy on my back, I feel that something in the air is wrong, closing the door softly I contemplate on just going to my room or poking my head around the corner to see if mum and Trevor are home, but then i hear my mother scream, immediately i drop my bag and race into the living room instantly forgetting the threats Trevor had hurled at me in the past when i had tried to enter when they were conscious. My mother is bent over grimacing, Trevor looking at her with distaste.

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