Chapter Eighteen

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Dropped back into my stone jail i scream in frustration, my hands bound behind my back, my legs bound together. Tears blur my vision and i feel my anger boiling under my skin, hearing my father move i turn to face him, he enters the light looking frightened and sad.

"Dad, i cant just leave them to die. I need to help them." I cry, somehow shuffling over to him where he lifts me carefully.

"I know. On your own you're not powerful enough. If i survive this, please be patient with me." Before i can question what he means his claws break my bonds then he cups my face in his palms, his eyes boring into mine, his eyes glowing brighter and brighter until it hurts to look but i cant look away, lightening starts to lick through my veins, painfully, my skin heats, my head feels like its swimming in pure energy. My body has strength i didnt know was possible, my father drops his hands, falling to his knees panting.

"Dad?" I touch his shoulder only having to launch back as he leaps at me, his eyes blood red, gone is the father i knew. then it dawns on me. his powers, he gave me his powers. 


"I'll come back. i promise." Without wasting another second i race to the door, power races through my veins as i blow the door completely off, it shatters down the hallway as i run, praying i can get back to the courtyard in time. Shouting spurs me on, my lungs burn for air as i skid around a corner, coming to a horror scene infront of my eyes. Power floods through my pores as my scream rips through the air, the flames racing towards the vampires i care for seem to dance, suspended in their journey, by my command i realise. Following my instincts and the knowledge of the powers now in my head i move the flames, away from the vampires, the flames feel like a second hand, easily moved at the will of my mind, my hand channelling the power. Fear of the unknown power courses through me but I refuse to let myself lose my focus, all eyes land on me, some of shock, some of horror and some of glee. My anger is directed at Dominicus, taking a step towards him, he smiles even more, a simple hand gesture has his men attacking, manipulating the flames i swirl them around me, the smell of burning skin and bodies turns my stomach but i keep the flames burning high, bodies turn to ash Infront of my eyes, Alex watches me, entranced, I force a volley of flames towards the sttacker sneaking up behind him, sending more flamea chasing after those who aim to hurt me or his family. Concentrating hard at the chains holding the vampires to the stakes, the chains seem to soften and melt under my gaze, flowing off of their bodies, instantly they attack the other vampires. i feel my energy fading, racing towards Dominicus I am halted by a large groups of his men as he stands behind smirking, thinking he's untouchable, spinning away I run as the men take chase, I feel he power run along my arms, collecting in my hands, flames dance over my palms as I twist sending a huge fireball towards a large group of men, who turn to ash as the flames engulf them. I fall to my knees, Alex is by my side in an instant but my fathers words ring in my mind. Can i trust him? Using my fading energy i launch skyward onto the high wall, seeing Alex's surprise and hurt almost kills me but there's things that need to be done first. Out of the corner of my eye i see Dominicus racing towards Violet who is looking at me in surprise, throwing my arm out i throw Dominicus back with a huge wave of energy shooting from my fingertips, i feel the magical energy disappear as i stumble on my feet, watching as the brothers surround Dominicus, Lara appears at my side just as my legs give out.

"Mia? Mia?" Her soft concerned voice whispers over my skin, she cradles my body gently.

"Please dont kill me." I can only plead as i feel the dark void pulling me under.

I awaken some time after, the stench of burning flesh still fills the sky, the moon lights the devestation of the courtyard, the knowledge that I caused most of the damage sits like a heavy weight on my shoulders, my stomach feels like revolting at the memories of the screams and the smell of burning bodies. Ash floats on the soft breeze, my guilt rides me hard, stumbling to my feet Alex is by my side in a moment.

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