Chapter 38

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Phoenix-Mickey was your brother?
Riah- Yes and you killed him.
Phoenix- He drugged and kidnapped me. He had to get handled. I don't take getting disrespected kindly.
Julissa- Yes we all know that. But you think it's okay to take away loved ones because of it.
Phoenix(chukles)- says the hired assassin.
Julissa -Touché.
Phoenix-So your helping the one who had an affair with your girlfriend? The one I witnessed you kill.

Riahs face twitched a little bit.

Riah- She wasn't having an affair. True I loved her with all my heart. But I found out she was an under cover. I was torn about it but she had to go. what's done is done.
Phoenix-So you covered it with an affair.
Julissa-That part was my idea. To fool yall.
Phoenix-i cant believe this.
Julissa-Well face it. Its reality.

They all turned to walk away.

Phoenix-Thought you wanted to kill me.
Julissa- oh we do. But we have to gather the audience For your torture.
Julissa-I saw my loved one die. So now you have to see yours die.
Julissa-See there goes that smart girl I know.

They started walking out the door and I called out to Julissa.

Phoenix- Julissa Im pregnant.
Julissa-I know. But so was Ling with our child. Happy Birthday Phoenix.

She slammed the door and locked it. I frantically looked around trying to find something to get lose. I started searching around trying to figure something out. But I couldn't. I gave up and started to cry. My world started crumbling down on me. I was so close to losing hope. But then I heard a ding noise come from Drays body. He has a phone on him. I crawled as best as I could to his body. I searched his body and I found the phone in his boot. I took out the fone and saw it was almost dead. I quickly dialed the first number I could think of hoping they would pick up.

Laron-Yo. Who this?
Phoenix-Laron its me!

I heard a loud high pitched sound like a car making a sudden stop.

Sebastian-Give me the phone.

I heard them pass the phone then I heard his voice.

Sebastian-Phoenix where are you?
Phoenix-Julissa kidnapped me. Im in some warehouse.
Sebastian-Look out window and tell me wat u see.
Phoenix-I cant. My legs are tied up. Listen Riah has been lying.
Phoenix-Shes been helping Julissa.
Sebastian-We were just on the way to meet her.
Phoenix-Its a set up.
Sebastian-Phoenix your breaking up. What you say.
Phoenix-Its A Set Up! She wants you to watch me die.
Sebastian-Set up? Wat set up? Phoenix I cant hear you.
Phoenix-Sebastian Dont listen to anything she says.
Sebastian-Phoenix Im coming for you. Do you hear me ? I will find you.

I heard the phone chirp as it died. I threw the phone down frustrated. I crawled back to the wall because Drays body was starting to smell. I cried and said a silent prayer hoping Sebastian would figure something out.

It had been hours and I've been drifting in and out of reality. I played back everything I did up to this point. I should of just listened. But its too late for all of that now.
I heard foot steps approaching and I started to give up. I mentally apologize to my daughter for not being able to keep her safe. The door opened and in walked Trish, Julissa,Riah and Sebastian. They had Sebastians hands duck tape together. We looked at each. I sent an apologetic look to him but his look seemed stern. As if he was telling me to stay strong.

Riah- Look the love birds are reunited once again.
Sebastian- You a dirty bitch. How you going to betray your family?
Riah- She killed my family and your best friend.
Sebastian- No I killed him! That nigga wasn't my best friend. He wasn't shit me. He was jealous over everything I had. He purposely took Phoenix from me. I pulled the trigger!
Riah- Well then good thing your both going to die.

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