The Begining

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  • Dedicated to My Lunitic Friends

Rose text me during school today, Jace broke up with her. I was sorry for her because Jace's a good guy. He's sweet, caring, non-pervish, not to mention a total hottie. Jace wouldn't break up with her for nothing, I just don't know the reason. She was probably flirting with other guys............again. During the time that they were dating I was kinda jealous even though she is my sister.


Rose jumped into Jaces arms. He encases her in a hug as Rose looks up and kisses him. I feel light headed and week at the knees. I storm off to go unlock my bike from the school bike racks. Cody is calling my name, he's running after me, I pay him no mind. When he catches me at the bike racks he asks what's he matter. I quickly tell him that I forgot about babysitting and that I need to hurry so I won't be late, I lied. Cody and his gullible self said ok and walked off, poor senseless bastard. I hate to lie to him, but it's for his own good. I txt my mom saying I'm going to Lilly's house over night. I get a txt back saying ok, my mom doesn't care she never did.

Lilly and I sit in our regular spot on the beach at lake Shawnee. Woods surround us, the only way to find us is by swimming or fallowing the unmarked path which only my friends an I know. " lets swim" and thats all she said as she pulled me into the water.

~ end of flashback ~

It was so long ago yet I can almost relive the agony and heartache. I was broken inside and still am. When I heard that Jace broke up with her I couldn't help being happy....

Fine I am a broken mess on the inside, but you will never see it. I am May, sometimes I am called May Belle or Mayflower.I have long Blond hair that always feels like it is messed up or frizzy and bluey gray eyes that always seem more gray- whitish than blue. Many have said that I have a good body and all that crap, I don't believe them I am ugly. You should probably know that I have low self esteem and struggle with depression. I use to cut, my scars say "Ugly" and. "Bastard" they speak the truth. Well thats the past......whatever believe what you want, I have grown up with the same people all my life, same friends and same boring old teachers in the same boring old school. I have two siblings, Rose my twin sister. Wewere both born on May 18th but she choses to celebrate seperate from me, hell, more power to her. My other sibling is Steven, he is two years old and absolutely adorable! I would kill for that kid. In fact he doesn't thing that Rose is his sister, and he sleeps with me most nights. My mother is really laid back and is ok with almost everything I do as long as I don't get arrested. Thank god that I never get caught... JK....well maybe. But I am screwed up in the head according to others so as long as I don't let them see my scars and look like I am happy I will be ok.

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