New Beginings

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Chapter 5

" GOOD GOD YOUR COMING UP WITH REASONS, GOOD GOD IM DRAGGING IT OUT, GOOD GOD IM OUT OF DIRECTION, OHHH OHHH who's to know if your soul will fade at all, the one you sold to fool the world. And you lost your self-esteem along the way! GOOD GOD YOUR SUCH A F***ING HYPOCRITE!"

I roll over in surprise and end up on the floor as my Seether ring tone blares on saying that I need to get up for another Monday. Galaxy jumps down and cocks her head at me like 'Ah you poor poor human, you know cats always land on their feet.' Stupid cat, I think as I throw a pillow in her direction, untangling myself from the sheets. Mom didn't bring Steven down, I guess he was tired, I was! I slept from like 2:30pm to 5:45am! That was the best, only sleep I've had in weeks, I can't even remember my dream...

I hate Monday's, it means lecture day, lots of homework and idiots acting like they own the world. I walk over to my walk in closet, what to wear? Perhaps the white shirt with all the slits down the back and sides, it would look good with a blue tank top underneath. I root around in my dresser for my white shorts they would go good with the shirt, and I'm in the mood to show off my tan legs. I grab the shorts and slip them on. I start humming an Evanescence song as I strip down to my bra and reach for my blue tank top. I look in the mirror. No tan lines, good, my skin is a light caramel color that contrasts with my dirty blond hair and gray-blue eyes. The tank top makes my eyes look on the blue side, cold and clear. I turn back to my closet and take the white shirt carefully off the hanger so I don't snag any of it. I slip it on over the skin tight blue tank top and watch as it contrasts, it looks good.

Walking over to the bathroom I open the door and breathe in the scent of my lavender perfume. I grab the bottle and spritz some on my neck line then on one wrist. I set the bottle down and absentmindedly rub my wrists together. Damn it...... Steven took my makeup and through all of it on the floor. I scoop it all up and put it back in the drawer beside the sink, I take out my mascara, blue and silver eyeshadow and my lipgloss. I have never been much of a makeup girl, no heavy eyeliner or lipstick. Keep it simple.

I walk out of the bathroom back towards my bedroom. The good thing about my room is that it has a wall that is almost completely glass. Double layer glass with white sheer curtains hanging over them, a door that swings outward also glass. My bedroom wall faces a meadow outside our house, the back of my house is surrounded by trees; all except the meadow outside my door. through the trees is the north end of Shawnee lake, it's beautiful. We have a private dock although no one uses it, besides me. The sunrise is beautiful, breathtaking with a mix of fiery reds and deep lavender streaks. Even though I have live in the same house with the same bedroom for 14 1/2 years , I never get over how beautiful it is and how lucky I am.


" Good morning May-May" Rose says as I walk into the kitchen. Steven is still in his pj's and is drinking apple juice.

"Mom already left, she said that Magra' will be here to get Steven at 8:00." it's 6:30 now, Steven usually is still sleeping....

" Steven do you want to go and lay down in May-Mays bed?" I ask while rubbing his back. He moves towards me and reaches up signaling that he wants to be picked up..... I guess that is a yes....

" I will take Steven down real quick, get him settled and then I will come up for a little bit." I say turning to Rose. She nods and picks up her notebook, flipping through it. I walk Steven down the stairs and turn the corner cautiously stepping around toys of all shapes and sizes, I need to pick them up once he is asleep. I step into my bedroom and lay Steven on the bed, it's light outside but he pulls the still warm blankets over him head before I can close the blinds.

I step up to the window, make sure the door is locked and close the blinds anyways. I walk out and close the curtain to my bedroom so that I wont wake Steven when I am cleaning up his toys. I bend down and pick up the basket for his hot wheels and start to walk around and scoop them into the bucket. I stack it in the playroom grab another tub and start on the blocks, I do this with the blocks, cars, legos, stuffed animals and play food. Soon all of the toys are picked up and I can see the floor again. I look at my phone... Crap it's 7:00, I need to go upstairs. Looking back in my room I make sure Steven is asleep and grab my backpack from by the door.

I try to walk quietly up the stairs and open the door, leaving it open a couple inches behind me so Steven can get up. I find Rose on the couch texting someone on her pink iPhone, she taps away until I clear my throat. " Oh May! Is Steven asleep?"

" Out cold...." I say plopping down on the couch next to my sister.

" Good... " Rose mutters after resuming the activity on her phone. I pull out my iPhone and see that I have two texts from Lilly, one from Kiara and 15 emails... I need to unsubscribe to all of those websites because they are blowing up my phone! All of them are from, I stopped visiting that site two years ago and keep deleting them, but they cant take a hint. 

''Heya May-Bear..'' Says One text from Lilly at 6:37, " MAY ANSWER  NOW HINTI!!!" 6:40... someone is in a bad mood. Its 7:03 so I better text her back before she pisses herself. " Bipolar much bitch? i don't appreciate being called a prostitute in Japanese...JK"  A few seconds later my phone buzzes and she answers " Sry, i tell it as i see it... he he Jk are you coming to school?" I text back " yeah as soon as my magra comes and gets Steven. See you then hinti"..."OK see you in hell.."

"May! Rose! Magras Here" I get up and run to her."Shush Magra Stevens sleeping in my room". Magra gives me a hug and nods at Rose. ever since Rose's grades went down and she started hanging out with the bad weed heads Magra has been increasingly cold towards her. I lead her down stairs to my room. I may hang out with weed heads but we go to school, get good grades and listen to our parents, plus we don't do it at or around school. 

We descended the stairs and came around the corner to my bedroom. "May, I'm proud of you. Your room is so neat and the entire basement looks immaculate! Unlike the sty your sister calls a room"..... BURN! I walk over to my bed and move some of Steven's hair out of his face. " Sissy....Magggga!"He says sitting up and rubbing his eyes, he then moves his arms so I can pick him up. " OK Steven lets get you to Magra's car so sissy can go to school." Steven says nothing just nods his head with a serious look on his face. "Come on Magra lets get this little man's bag and sippy cup so you two can head off." we all walk up the stair and to the kitchen, I  pass Steven over to Magra and grab Stevens diaper bag. We head to the garage and i put Steven's bag in Magras car as she gets steven buckled in, i close the door and she walks over to me. She encases me in her loving arms and whispers in my ear " Be good and keep your sister out of trouble please, i don't want you hurt because of her." I move away to the garage door and Magra gets into the car and backs out waving. I stay in the garage until she turns the corner and is out of site, then walk into the kitchen. "Rose lets go Magra's gone and I don't know about you but i need a smoke!" I give her a minate to get her stuff before I head back to the garage.

We head out to the street were my midnight blue Monte Carlo is parked, i move to the drivers side and unlock it.  Getting in i turn on the car and roll down the windows and pull my cigarettes out of my bra along with the lighter. Rose gets in and i hand her one with the lighter, after here's is lit I take back my lighter and light my own. After a few drags i shift into drive and drive down the street to 37th street, looking i see an opening and speed into morning traffic.  Once wee are at a good speed i hit cruise and take few long drags from my cigarette. I look at Rose and ask, " so how is it going with your grades? , Magras pretty pissed." She looks at me and says with envy " She is always pissed off at me for something, you wouldn't know because you are so busy sucking up to both her and mom" I take another drag and say "She is mad at you because of what you did, i don't suck up i do what is expected of me. I have a job, I have a Car, I pay my own phone bills along with my gas and anything else i need.  I don't suck up. If i did i would have them pay for all that crap, you have them pay for your crap, you don't have a job, and you sure as hell couldn't take care of Steven like I do. You may be my twin but you are nothing like me, you are a controlling mooching bitch with no responsibility and frankly I'm pretty pissed at you to."   

I consentrate on the road and grip the stearing wheel so hard my nuckles turn white and go numb. Who in the hell dose she thing she is? She isnt doing anything but snoking weed. fucking every guy in town and acting like she dosnt know her own family.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2014 ⏰

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