Chapter Four

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I stare at my hands, trying to process all of this new information. I look back up at his face. Into those orange eyes that reminded me of burning coals the first time I saw them. But now, they remind me of that raging fire. Of danger, fear, and loss. But at the same time, they give me a feeling of excitement that I can't quite explain, and mystery. And now the strange color of his eyes made so much more sense.

I avert my eyes, looking back down at my hands, reflecting on my lifestyle. Sure, it isn't the easiest life. It's far from being the happiest life. But this is my life. And what can I say? I'm a creature of habit. The thought of leaving this life behind makes me sick to my stomach. But at the same time, I feel something else inside of me. Curiosity? Excitement? I'm not entirely sure. But whatever it is, it yearns for the adventure. For leaving this small town behind and finding something new. And maybe, through this project, I can discover who I am. How I would love to know that there is more to me than the lonely outcast who is terrified of fires and letting anyone get too close. To learn that somewhere within me there is something powerful that I can learn to control.

"I know this is a lot to take in, and you probably need time to think," Samuel says, interrupting my thoughts. He grabs a paper and pen off of the end table next to the couch. He scribbles something down before handing me the slip of paper, a phone number scrawled across it in his messy handwriting. "I'm leaving town tomorrow. I'll be back here at noon, and you can make your decision then. In the meantime, think about it. And if you have any questions, shoot me a message or call me." With that he stands and walks to the door. "Goodnight, Océane," He smiles at me as he leaves.

I stand and walk to the window, watching as he drives away in his maroon car. I look down at the scrap of paper before folding it and tucking it in my pocket. I turn and walk to the kitchen, rummaging through the cabinets for a mug. I take my time brewing some tea, taking it with me to my room. I curl up on my bed, tea in hand, reviewing and reflecting. Before I have even fallen asleep I have made my decision.   

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