I feel so much lighter now

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I remember how you tasted
like menthol cigarettes
and how it was something
addictive about it.
I remember how when you called
me beautiful your voice
sounded like music.
I remember how when you told me
you loved me it sounded like
you almost meant it.
But now I know
that I chocked on that love for too long.

I remember how you tasted
like acid and how you burned
all the good in me.
I remember how it felt like heaven
when you kissed me,
so I ignored all the times
you put me through hell.
I remember how you spoke
like an angel and
how you acted like the devil.
But now I realize
that we were wrong for each other.

I remember how you were my sun
and how I was tempted
to follow you into the darkness
that consumed you.
I remember how your mouth said
you were staying with me,
but your eyes always
said goodbye.
I remember how every time
we kissed felt like a broken promise.
But now I can tell
that everything was just another lie.

I remember how we exceeded
the speed limit to feel
a rush or anything to replace
the spark we no longer
felt when we saw each other.
I remember how we were
and how we weren't.
I remember how we spoke
endlessly about everything
and nothing.
But now I cannot even remember
the sound of your voice.

I remember you.
I remember us.
I remember everything.
I can't stop remembering,
and sometimes it hurts.
But right now the sky is getting prettier
and when I dance
I turn the radio up
and I think one day
I will listen to my heartbeat
and your fingerprints
won't be there any more.

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