IV. Best Part So Far

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"Alright, now it's time for us to change perspective so we can add more to the --" I started before Maddie cut me off, screaming angrily at me.

"We can't just stop there!" she shouted. "I just got to the best part of the story! The Scorch Knights just came back with a second surge because I had made a huge mistake, and now we're all going to die! Why are you not excited to hear what's going to happen?"

"Well, you're alive now, aren't you?" 

Maddie began to have vocal spasms for some reason.

"What? Wha...WHAT? Come on, you fool! Just give me a moment to go and tell this story, because we finally have something interesting happening in the story instead of your boring meetings and newsletters and crazy stuff."

I sighed deeply. "Okay, Maddie, you can tell us the rest of the story. Go ahead."

Maddie grinned at me, clearly satisfied that I had fallen to her powers of persuasion. She cleared her throat and began her speech.

"So, as I said, 'That was when we heard the second crash.'"


Everyone looked between each other. The warlock that had asked me what we were going to do with the defeated Scorch Knights glared at me angrily, knowing that the fact that I had had no plan was the main reason that everyone was going to die that day.

The walls caved in, and a storm of fire and steel rained down upon us. The witches and warlocks among us were now out of Frost Brews, or at least very close to it, so a few of them began to run back up the stairs to go and find some more so we could continue to fight. Meanwhile, the rest of us were sifting through our potion belts and potion bags so we could find something to use to defeat the storm of fire and steel.

I pulled out a Whisper of Acid, which was possibly the most useful thing that I could have pulled out, aside from a Frost Brew. I made sure that I was positioned perfectly and that I was aiming correctly to go and burn the most possible Scorch Knights. After all, no one knew how many Whispers of Acid I had left, so I had to make the most out of whatever I grabbed out of my belt. 

I threw the Whisper of Acid, and the spray of green ooze splashed all over them and their armor. The Scorch Knights screamed, their armor being burned by the powerful liquid. I reveled in the amount of damage that a single potion could do, but I didn't get to have that much time. I reached for another potion and saw that there were only potions that could assist other people, and I knew for a fact that magicians didn't need Strength Brews or Flasks of Agility. 

The witches and warlocks that had gone to seek more Frost Brews had come back with large bags full of the stuff. I grabbed two Frost Brews, one in each hand, and began to throw them.

"I need you people to get a ton of Whispers of Acid from the store," I told them, "so we can get rid of the Knights after we've doused their fire."

They nodded and began to run back to the store so we could finally get a way to defeat the Knights. I grinned, tossing Frost Brew after Frost Brew from the plentiful bags at any Scorch Knight that had a lick of their violet fire in them, just like I had a few moments ago. 

However, the Scorch Knights had gotten smarter. They had taken up their shields and were guarding against our assault of acids and frosts, and they had been striking at a few magicians, the Unmagic-infused flaming blades cutting straight through the bodies of their victims. The halves that remained from each victim either slowly turned to ash or were cut into smaller pieces by the more greedy Knights.

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