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Today is the day of the surf off, and the party. Every month our block has an adult surf off, where parents compete against each other, and honestly its quite funny.

I grabbed my pen and paper and headed to the beach outside my house.

"So you finally left your room," my mom says ruffling my hair. "Yeah yeah" i groaned.

I think i should ask her about tonight. Nah. Its a definite no. I sat down in the sand along with all the other kids my age, 17 by the way, and watched and judged all the not so young people surf.

"Hey, Lana is it?" Taylor says sitting next to me. This bitch knows my name ive been to her house like 10 times, wench.

"Yeah," i mumble. "Woah sappy pants, just wanted to see whats up," she smiles.

I smile at her kiddish language, "sappy pants?" "Mhm, i tell that to Ki all the time, he hates it." I nod, making a mental note of sappy pants.

"So where is Ki?" "Do you two, ya know- have a thing?" She asks. I can see the confusion on her face, not like she was asking for information, just for confirmation.

"No, no way. Me and Ki? Psh" i say swatting the air. She laughs, "okay, sure thing. He seems to have a thing for you though." And with that she gets up and walks off.

"Hey! What do you mean," i call for Taylor but she twirls around smiling and keeps walking.

"What does what mean," someone says poking me.

Madison. "Madison!" Im so excited shes here now i can tell her.

"Why do you look frustrated?" She frowns, jiggling my cheek fat.
I swat her hand away, "i am not frustrated! Im just confused" i pout.

She raises a brow, "explain." Madison pops a banana chip in her mouth. "Taylor just told me that Ki has a thing for me, but then i was talking to Hayes and i figured out why he was mad, he was jealous of Ki! Which is reasonable because look at Ki, but ugh look at Hayes too his sad little pout Mads i dont know what to do, i like Ki but what if Hayes really does like me, what would i sa-"

"Oh my gosh! So Hayes and Ki both like you but you only like Ki!? Hysterical." She says popping another chip in her mouth.

"Madison!" I frown. "Okay okay look, just take it slow, day by day. See how your feelings for whom ever develop or decrease. Ki might just be a thing" she shrugs.

"A thing? I think a thing doesnt last for 7 months," i groan. "Lana your overthinking like you always do, things will play out in the end, whatever is meant to be will be," she smiles.

"But what if im meant to be with hayes but i choose Ki and i ruin what was actually meant to b-"

"Oh my gosh im leaving," she says getting up. "Im coming over tonight around 7, have my sandwhich ready," she winks and walks off.

"You okay?" Jack says sitting next to me. "Yeah I-" i stop when i notice his hair, "you dyed your hair?" I ask.

He nods, "you like it?" "Not really, but if Mads does then who cares." I shrug.

"Very blunt today, i see your not in the mood. But Madison isnt talking to me right now, so i doubt shes even noticed." He looks at me.

I frown and rub his back, "what'd you do?" He sighs, "i really dont know, honestly i dont. I was doing so good too." I giggle and look to the waves.

"Shes just been ignoring me lately, well for today really, when i come around she leaves. She will talk to me but only make small talk," he says.

"Look, if you came here for answers, sorry, i dont know whats going on, but i would be happy to help you get some." I smile.

I really dont know whats going on with them. Honestly i thought they were fine, from the beach to lunch yesterday to now, i never noticed.

He smiles, "thanks, maybe i can help you out with your Kayes drama."
"My what?" "You heard me, your Kayes drama. I overheard your rant about Ki and Hayes."

Oh no. "Jack please dont say anything! I dont want Hayes getting upset i still want us to have a friendship," i plead.

"Of course Lana, dont worry, seriously. I got you, maybe i can try and find Hayes a girlfriend, who knows," he chuckles.

A pang of jealousy flashes over me, but i quickly recover, "yeah maybe that'll change his mind," i give a weak smile.

"So have fun at that party tonight," he winks standing up. I stand and look around to see if my parents are around, "dont worry i wont tell them either, just heard Ki ask you to the party, be safe tonight. And bring Madison home in one piece please," Jack rolls his eyes.

" oh cmon two pieces would be so much better, i get the top you can get the bottom," i wink.

"Your sick," he laughs. We hug and part ways.

I find my feet trailing away from my house, and before i realize it, im right in front of Hayes' door.


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