Seven Snowflakes

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"Hey, Harry! Merry Christmas!" Louis shouts from behind me while I'm on the phone with somebody important, reason why it causes me to immediately tense up. I turn back to him and gesture him to keep quiet.

"Baby, who was that?" My mom says, I groan, knowing that I'll have to tell her the truth because I never lie to her. I take a deep breath, "Mom, this is someone I've been spending my week with. Not Niall. Or Zayn. His name is Louis."

Louis looks up and presses his palms against his eyes, "I didn't know." He whispers under breath, shaking his head from side to side. "Sorry." It's only audible for my ears and not my mom's.

"I don't appreciate you lied but I appreciate you for telling me. Are you alright though? Is my baby warm? You've got enough money and food, darling?" My heart warms at my moms concerns and worries, despite me feeling like an awful son.

"Yeah, Louis been making dinner, we both make lunch, and I make breakfast. Well, that's what's been going on the last few days. And I have some money. I bought Louis a birthday gift." I tell her with a wide grin, enjoying my break so far, which does pretty much feel like a vacation.

I hear a gasp in the background during my final comment to my mom, turning around I see Louis with a dumbfounded look. "Wanna meet Lou, mom?" I hand the phone over to Louis who's giving me an odd look I can't determine.

"Uh, hello. I've been uh, you can say babysitting? Your son Harold?" Louis mentions nervously while having this odd chuckle that I've never heard come out his mouth before. It's cute. I mean, I'm very fond of it.

"He's a sweet little mister isn't he? Hope he isn't too much trouble. How'd you meet him anyways, hmm? Niall's family went out for town and they asked a relative? Or are you another friend of my boy?" I word to Louis that he can't say a word.

Louis walks over to my side, slipping the phone in my hand but making both of us clear in the video chat screen, "You know, how about ask Harry."

"Well, I'm two hours away from home. He found me and is taking care of me. Until tomorrow actually. That's our last day sadly." I shut my eyes, afraid of her reaction but when Louis nudges me, I only see her with a face of apathy, "I'll call you later, Harry. You seem fine. But it upsets me very much. See you next year son."

"Next─ oh, that's so long though even if it is only a week. Goodbye. Love you." I hang up the phone and throw it into the couch. Sighing in relief, I kick my foot up onto the coffee table, "She's not that mad!"

Louis sits up and crosses his arms, an unreadable look fixating on his face. "What, dude?" I strain out, attempting to be stern and snappy but an apparent smile appears.

"You bought me a gift? When did you? And why! What is it?" I prance off and toward the Christmas tree, there aren't any gifts under the branches but mine was hid in between them.

"Did it when you were taking your skates off and I told you I was going to the restroom. There was a booth around." I tell him and slip the decently small box into his hands.

Louis holds the box with a cute little bow on it. I encourage him, "Unwrap it, like right now." Louis tears the gift, papers being thrown into the ground.

"It's not much Lou, but I think you can start collecting these yearly." Louis takes the items out the mini box, revealing a green and golden glittered ornament saying, My First Christmas.

"I know it isn't your first Christmas, but with me it is. And there's a glitter globe where we could put a photo of us together if you like." Louis engulfs me into a tight hug to my surprise. "Love it, boo."

Before I can respond, Louis races up the stairs. I sigh, "Did I scare you off? Don't hate me, Louis! I can return it!"

Louis comes back down with a camera in his hand, "I got this two Christmases ago. Never used it. Will you do the honors to take my very first instant film photo?"

With the Polaroid camera, Louis raises it over our height and positioning it to where he expects us to be in. "Smile, babe!" Louis cheers and for his surprise, I lean up, reaching my arms over his shoulders and smothering a kiss on his cheek.

It's like I can feel the heat radiating off his cheek due to how the red presents itself. "Wasn't expecting that. Uh, so Merry Christmas, Harold."

"You know what I like on Christmas? You think there's any holiday movies? They're like really festive and delightful." I comment, meanwhile Louis is already throwing popcorn packets at me, "Be right back. I'll bring us some festive pajamas and blankets."

I set up the popcorn, taking out some snacks that Louis provides, and some new things we've bought along with the Christmas things we got.

"Harold!" Louis comes racing down the stairs seconds later with bulks of snowflake and Christmas tree patterned blankets, along with some plaid pajama bottoms in hand.

"Am I festive now?" Louis says, undressing his grey sweats to some red and green plaid bottoms. I giggle at the actions, also admiring his legs. He throws me one which catches me off guard, "Stop staring and get one!"

The microwave signals popcorn is done warming, Louis offers to grab it and we gather everything ready to watch some holiday films in his tiny living room, though full of comfort.

"You know, this is sad that it'll be our last night together. It's too good, it should be cherished. Unless, you maybe, I dunno, want to stay longer?" Louis mentions, the voice kind of hesitant but I know it's because he's nervous.

"I want to spend everyday I can with you, if that's possible."

We sit quite close together, sharing the same blankets, occasionally leaving our hands in the popcorn bowls together, and I may of rested my arm comfortably around his waist as my head snuggled onto his chest.





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