We are all a little looney.

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People never seemed to understand me. At first glance i was just an average kid. But when you look at me longer you can see im hideous, crazy, scary, unsettling etc. People are never nice to me. Always calling me names. Always glaring at me. Ugh what ignorant creatures humans are. Wait im a human. No. Im a monster. Thats what they call me, thats what i am.

"Y/N, stop it! arrrgg! Calm down!"

"Fuck you!" I screamed fighting back.

You may be wondering whats happening. well i was recently placed in a looney bin. And these ignorant disgusting humans are trying to get me in a stupid cell.

"Can you just cooperate?" The humans said as they grabbed my by my straight jacket and pushed me into my cell.

I kicked my feet into the air and pushed back against the sides if the door.


These stupid people are really pissing me off. I didn't do anything. All i did was kill my parents. They were assholes anyway.

"get argg in your damn cell!" One of the guys mumbled.

The humans finally managed to get me in my cell. My head hit the padded floor roughly. Oh lucky me. I get one of those white padded lock cells. I rolled over to a wall and shimmied up it so im sitting the corner. Its really hard to move when your arms are tied down.
Anyways, there isnt even much to do in the cell but sit with your thoughts and let your mind melt away. My head literally feels like an ice cream come that melting on a hot dry summers day. Every once in awhile they let me go to the cafeteria/recreational room. That room is legit just a biiiiiggggg cement box with 20 loooonnnnggg tables with a little serving station. When its time to go there they take your jacket off you and they pit normal hand cuffs on you, but these ones are long. the chain between the cuff part is long enough for you to pick up your fork and eat and stuff. You also get to converse with people. I mainly don't talk to anyone though. This one person tried to...attack me. well "prison rape" me. Lets just say i snapped and bent their arm allllll the way back and it broke. Since then no ones laid a finger on me, except the prison guards, i call them the prison bitches. P.B for short.

Yesterday, while we were in the "hall" (which is the weird cafeteria place) There was a guy that ive never noticed there. He was pretty hot. He has messy brown hair, insane wide brown eyes with purple bags under his eyes (due to lack of sleep) and purpleish lips. Hes really quiet but he always stares at people, he also is really tough. This guy was teasing him and he snapped and pushed his face against the wall and his jaw broke. It was pretty sick. (the cool kind)

When i got there today, there was no places to sit except near that guy.
I grabbed my food and walked over to him.
"Can i sit here?" I asked quietly. I like to be misleading. Ill be quiet to new people then i snap. I turn into a smart ass whos very violent and shouldnt be messed with.

He nodded.

He just sat there quietly. He stared at me the whole time though. He just looked at me while i sat and ate my food...and plotted peoples deaths.

"Why are you staring at me" I finally asked.

"Because your nice to look at" He spoke quietly while letting out a sigh."

"What its pissing me off. Like take my picture if you want to look at me." I turned to him with a face of anger. I dont exactly know why i was angry but i was.

"Sorry, Anyways, why you in here?" He smiled devilishly.

"Oh ya know, killed my parents because their assholes, some other normal shit." I took a bite of my disgusting food.

"Oh thats cool. My parents always heard me talking to myself and they found out i was saying some "gruesome shit" so they took me here. I also may have killed some "bad" people." Tyler giggled.

Ugh he's so cute.

Im Scared Of My Own Head. (Tyler Joseph x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now