The "perfect two puzzle pieces."

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Part 4

Background story information:
Its November
Ty's 28
Your in your 20's i guess lol
Your in a psyche ward/prison.
Right now its midnight.

"Come on Y/N." Tyler whispered.
"Im trying, keep your pants on." I hushed him. (like my little joke? because of the Grammys? no? okay.)

"Did you hear that?" Tyler hesitated.
"NO!" I panicked. I froze and fell to the ground.
"Oh my god, Y/N stop being so dramatic. Get up." Tyler reached his hand to me waiting for me to grab it so he can help me up.
I rolled my eyes. "Okay whatever you say Mr. Tyler." i scoffed.
We were escaping from the back of the prison where the security is pretty light. It was field that had tall grass up to my knees. There was some mud puddles on which we were crawling through in order to get to the fence that boarded the forest. Tyler's plan was to crawl there and hop over the fence and run through the forest. It was a pretty easy plan but Tyler clearly isn't digging my "humor".
"Y/N were almost there! To the fence!" Tyler was excited to get out of this hell.
I got so tired of crawling on my hands and knees. So i collapsed again.
"Y/N! You have no problem being on your knees trying to- nevermind. But you cant crawl 35 yards?"
Tyler was clearly upset with me but i couldn't stop laughing about his little joke. Ive never even been "active" with him. He wants me too, i can tell.
"Fine. But don't make jokes about me blowing you. Im not going to." I sassily remarked.
"Y/N. Do you ever shut up? You're different now." Tylers eyes grew wide.
By now we were laying on our backs next to each other in the tall grass out of view.
"Oh im great says the one who completely disappeared for awhile and after forgot everything about me." I was growing angry.
"Y/N. I didn't forget about you, I was just trying to piss you off. It worked." He let out a little laugh.
"You're so mean!" I was furious because he was toying with my heart. So i got up and ran the left over 10 yards. I was far out of sight so i wouldn't get caught.
"Y/N. You're so dramatic, i swear!" Tyler exhaled. He was mad at me. Oh well. He gets a taste of his own medicine.
I reached the fence and crawled over it. i jumped from the other side and hit my back on the hard dirt ground. I sat there and let tears fall from my eyes. I let out my quiet sobs. My back ached. My heart ached from Tyler's stupid game. I was lying in the forest dirt not knowing where Tyler even was. He could've gone back. He could've got caught. I kinda hope they zap him. He deserves it as much as it hurts to say.

"Y/N? Y/N!" Tyler was searching for me. He reached the fence and crawled over. Damn, he found me.
I stayed silent.
"Y/N what the hell was that?" He was very angry. "Get up. Now!" He said angry biting the inside of his cheek trying to not beat/punch me right here right now.
I got up and started walking away from him.
"Leave me alone." I choked.

"No. This whole time you've been complaining or crying or being dramatic. You are acting like your 7." Tyler ranted.

"What the hell man? Ive been nothing but nice to you and now you're being such a dick." I shouted.

Tyler was infuriated by this and got up in my face.

him being super close to me he looked me straight in the eyes and said "Im scared of myself."

I turned around showing no emotion, pulled out the pocket knife from my pocket that Tyler didn't know i had and carved something into the nearest tree. When i finished carving i stepped back and looked at what i had done.

"Yøu're nøt aløne. x_x"

I moved so Tyler could see what i had carved and i kept walking.

"Y/N. Im sorry." He said chasing after me.
"so what?  i dont need your sorrows. i dont need any of this." i paused. Again tears formed in my eyes. "but i want it. I want you."
Tyler was intrigued by what i just admitted.
"i want you too. i feel 'normal' when im with you. I know i screwed up for my own entertainment, im insane. you should know all of this."
I turned around to him and hugged him. I was crying into his chest letting my tears soak his dirty muddy shirt. He didn't seem bothered by this. i looked up to him and said
"Im sorry."
"Me sorry too." He looked as if he was going to cry.
You may think this is a bi polar love story but your kind of right. Our emotions are out of whack and i feel like our emotions can be some-what balanced when we're together. People would describe this as us as two puzzle pieces and we fit just right when were together. But if we were puzzle pieces we would be the two pieces that the image of the picture doesnt match up right but we still fit together. Keep that in mind.

Im Scared Of My Own Head. (Tyler Joseph x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now