Trying It Out

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A/N: Fun fact, what is about to happen in this chapter actually happened to me and a friend once, because we weren't sure about the details. You'll know what I'm talking about when I get to it. Once again, I appreciate the comments and votes. Another question for you guys, how long would you like to see this story be? I've been thinking of making it a shorter one, maybe around 15-20 parts. Thoughts?

Mitch's POV

It's the day of the date and I still haven't been given a time. I hope Avi isn't having second thoughts... I really like him, this was a dream come true. My crush was certainly real, but I never expected him to like me back. Fitting that our first date is a movie, because this feels like a movie moment.

I feel a vibration in my pocket and quickly pull my phone out to find that Avi has texted me.

A: 'Hey Mitchie! I figured since our local theatre is attached to a mall, we might as well go early, grab some food, and walk around a bit before the movie. How does that sound to you?'

M: 'It sounds like I still don't know what we're watching, or when.' I sassed playfully.

A: 'That's the beauty of it, Mitch. We can just spontaneously buy the ticket to what we feel like watching when we're there. That way we can decide together and time isn't an issue.' He does raise a good point, and it brings some variety to such a cliche first date.

M: 'I like that idea. Pick me up at 5 then? We can eat a little after we get there, and then check out what's playing.'

A: 'Sounds perfect. See you at 5 😘' That emoji better mean he's going to actually kiss me.

I took my time getting ready since I had quite a while. This is going to be so fun! I've hardly done anything alone with Avi, but now I get to go on a date with him! He'll really have a chance to show me exactly why I'm so attracted to him. He can be a total gentleman, he can use his low voice to speak while the movie is playing without disrupting anyone, he can show me all the cute things in stores that he likes, the possibilities are endless! And I'm sure he won't disappoint. This is Avi we're talking about.

The time for the date finally came around and I excitedly waited at my door for him to arrive. He showed up right on time and greeted me at the door. He looks absolutely gorgeous right now.

"You look amazing" Avi then says to me, beating me to it.

"You look incredible. Have you always been this sexy?" I ask, half joking.

"Not at all, it took me literal years to look this good. You've just been born beautiful it seems." I totally blushed at the compliment, this is a good start.

We head to the car and drive to the theatre entrance of the mall, excited to just walk around together. We both decided on a trip to the pet store to start. We travelled to the back where the aquariums were so we could view the exuberant fish. The aquariums always have had a romantic ambience to me, so I really just swooned when we started holding hands back there.

"It's so beautiful back here" Avi commented, to which I vigorously nodded my head in agreement.

"This is one of my favourite places. It's so relaxing" I explained, looking up at the gorgeous smiling man beside me. I say looking up, but in reality, he's only an inch taller than me. Regardless, his presence is huge, and that's what matters.

"Glad you were here for my first time seeing it then" Avi replied, putting an arm around me. He's definitely trying to woo me as I've asked, and it's working.

"I'm glad I got to show it to you" I added, smiling and leaning into his side. My stomach grumbled as I did this and my cheeks flushed immediately.

"Sounds like it's time for dinner, come on, the food court is this way." Avi prodded, pulling me along with him.

We both opted for sushi after searching for a while. The dining area of the food court was packed, but we found a secluded couch off to the side to eat on. It wasn't exactly designed for eating, but we made it work because all of our food was in containers.

"I guess we should check what movies we're choosing from now" Avi suggested, pulling out his phone.

"Oh yeah, I have no idea what's out right now" I quipped, realizing that it's been forever since I've bothered with any kind of ad.

"Oh no... I messed up big time. I'm so sorry Mitchie" Avi put his hand to his forehead and wore a look of total distraught.

"What is it Daddy?" I question worriedly, hoping that nothing serious went wrong.

"All the movies are already an hour in. We're too late. I thought they had another round of movies starting at 9, but they don't because it's during the week. I'm so sorry, Mitchie..." He trailed off.

"Awe babe, it's okay. We can just check out the rest of the mall instead. This was more of an excursion than a movie trip, we can't let it be ruined by that." I explain, consoling him.

"I just feel like I fucked up, but I'll try to make the best of it" he smiled at me with all the cheer he could muster at the moment. His smile is so endearing.

He got up once we finished our food and held his hand out for me. I took it with a smile and we walked around the mall holding hands. We weaved in and out of stores window shopping for things that might go on sale for Boxing Day. We only saw a very limited selection due to everything being sold out for Christmas, but we still enjoyed ourselves.

Even though our initial plan for the date was ruined, we still had a wonderful time bonding while we walked the halls of the mall. It was about to close when we left. The ride home featured the comfortable silence that we practiced, and I rather enjoyed it. I had more time to reflect on how happy Avi had made me tonight. Silence truly is golden.

We pulled up to my house and Avi stopped the car, but I didn't get out just yet.

"Thank you for the amazing date. Even if some stuff went wrong, I really liked it." I stared into his eyes as I said this, occasionally drifting my focus down his face a little.

"Thank you for coming with me, you made it awesome. I hope we can go on another date soon." He's so sweet and innocent, he doesn't even ask me on a second date yet. That's adorable.

"So tell me Avi, are you one to kiss on the first date?" I questioned sensually.

"Depends, do you want me to be, Mitchie?"

I answered by leaving a tender, yet light kiss on his lips.

"I want you to take it further than that" I simply stated. He obliged.

We kissed passionately for a solid couple minutes before he pulled away and smiled, breathing a little hard.

"You're really good at that."

"I've got practice. I'm really good at other things too, but we're not ready for that yet" I wink at him enticingly.

"I can't wait. I'll bid you good night for now however, since it is getting late."

"Goodnight Avi, I'll talk to you tomorrow!" I steal one more quick peck on the lips before exiting the car and walking into my house.

What a way to end the night.

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