The Perfect Present... and a Plan

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Serena's POV

"Hurry! Hurry!" Bonnie called, jumping up and down. Serena opened her guidebook. "Wait up Bonnie! We need to go that way," she said, pointing to the right.

Bonnie swerved to the right and started to make her way through the busy streets, kicking up snow as she went. "Ooh!" she exclaimed, and knelt down on one knee in front of a pretty girl with a Cherrim in her arms. "You're a keeper! Will you please take care of my brother?"

The girl look extremely confused. "I- I don't understan-" Suddenly Clemont's Aipom Arm appeared and grabbed Bonnie by the shirt and she was dragged away by a red-faced Clemont.

Bonnie waved goodbye to the girl cheekily, and she swung her legs above the ground. Ash laughed, making Serena's heart thump loudly in her chest. "It never gets old, does it?" he asked. Serena giggled. "Bonnie never learns. Poor Clemont!"

Ash nodded, and locked eyes with her, for a second too long. Serena looked away shyly, her face heating up. She still hadn't forgotten about the macaroon incident. Just thinking about it made her blush.

Ash coughed nervously. "Serena, I-"

"Hey guys! Come on already! We're almost there!" Bonnie called from ahead of them. Serena turned to Ash. "What did you want to tell me?"

Ash rubbed Pikachu's head. "Um, don't worry. It was nothing." Serena frowned, disappointed, but she let it go.

Soon, they were all standing ankle deep in snow in front of Meyer's store. Bonnie stood on her tippy toes and press the doorbell. A few seconds later the door opened, and Meyer's face appeared.

"Daddy!" Bonnie squealed happily, and ran into his arms. Her father scooped her up and swung her around. "Bonnie! It's so great to see you! How's my little girl?"

He put Bonnie back down and pulled both of his children into a hug. "Clemont! I've missed you too!" Then he turned to Serena and Ash. "Ash! Serena! It's been a while! So glad you could join us for Christmas!"

"Thanks for inviting us!" Serena said. "I'm so happy to be home for Christmas!" Bonnie exclaimed happily, twirling around. "Did you miss us?"

Then Meyer suddenly put his head down, and burst into tears. "I missed you both so much!" he bawled. Both Clemont and Bonnie sweat-dropped. "We missed you too Dad," Clemont said.

Meyer wiped his tears and gave a booming laugh. "Well, enough of all this! Come inside and warm up. You must be freezing!"

They all entered the cosy workshop gratefully. Meyer lead them up a flight of stairs to the apartment, which was above the shop.

They all took off their jackets and hung them up in the hallway. As Serena was taking her's off, Ash came up to her. "Here, let me help you with that," he said, taking her jacket and hanging it up for her. Serena's cheeks turned pink. "T-Thank you Ash!" she exclaimed. Ash rubbed his nose nervously. "It was nothing," he replied bashfully, then smiled at her.

"I bet you're all hungry for dinner!" Meyer said. Ash rubbed his stomach. "Definitely! I'm starving!" Everyone laughed at this.

Clembot came in, with a pink apron tied around its waist and several plates of food balanced on its hands. "Well then - dinner is served!" it said, placing the dishes down on the table. Then it smiled. "Dig in!"

Clemont's POV

Clemont rolled open his sleeping bag on the floor of his room. He stood up and shook his head at the sight of Chespin laying down on his bed and moaning, clutching its stomach. "Chespin!" it groaned. Clemont raised an eyebrow. "I told you not to eat too much!"

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