One Last Dance

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Ash's POV

It was Christmas Eve, and the moon shone brightly as snow fell softly to the ground. Bonnie was dancing around the room, singing to Christmas carols as she flung tinsel onto the tree. Squishy sat on the windowsill, asleep, and Dedenne was running around in circles for no apparent reason. Meyer had gone to help set up the light show at the Lumiose Gym. Clemont was clearing the table, and Serena was preparing four mugs of hot chocolate for them.

Ash was upstairs, placing his carefully wrapped presents into bag for safekeeping. Pikachu jumped down from his shoulder and picked up the one marked 'Serena'. The little yellow Pokemon shook the package carefully. "Be careful with that Pikachu!" Ash warned. Pikachu put it back in Ash's lap and gave him a knowing look. "Pika pika!" it said slyly, making a love heart shape with its paws.

"Me? In love? You gotta be kidding me buddy," Ash said, avoiding Pikachu's gaze as he put the present back. Pikachu rolled its eyes and used Thunderbolt on its trainer.

BOOM! Everyone downstairs looked up at the ceiling in surprise.

Meanwhile, Ash coughed - his hair sticking up all over the place. Pikachu giggled. Ash sighed. "You know me too well. I can't hide anything from you," Ash said, putting Pikachu on his lap. "But you can't say anything to Serena though, cause it's a surprise. Promise?"

The little mouse Pokemon stuck out its paw and shook Ash's hand. "Pika pikachu!" it promised solemnly.

Bonnie suddenly poked her head through the doorway. "Everything alright?" she asked. Ash nodded. "We were just about to come down."

"Oh goody!" she exclaimed. "That's perfect cause we're about to open our gifts!" Then she gave Ash a sly smile, not unlike the one Pikachu had given him. "You all ready for tonight?"

Ash was confused for a moment. Clemont was the only person who knew about Ash's plan. "Wait, how do you know about that?!"

Bonnie grinned. "Clemont may or may not have told me your plan." Then she added hastily, "But don't worry! I promise not to tell Serena. Besides, we just want to help."

Ash gave a grudging smile at the younger girl. "Fine. Now let's get downstairs. You do want to open your presents, don't you?"

He picked up his bag, and Pikachu jumped onto his shoulder. They went down the stairs, Bonnie skipping two steps at a time, and found the others waiting next to the Christmas tree.

"Presents! Presents!" Bonnie shouted, jumping on the spot. Serena laughed, her blue eyes sparkling. "Okay! Okay! Now, here's your gift Bonnie!" She handed the girl large square package, wrapped in yellow tissue paper.

The little girl eagerly unwrapped it. "Oh wow!" she exclaimed. "Serena, it's sooooo pretty!"

Bonnie lifted the dress up and held it to her, to show the others. It was the Chingling dress that Bonnie had worn at Valerie's model runway. She gave Serena a big hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you Serena!!!" Bonnie said happily.

Ash then held out his present to her. Bonnie tore it open, then gave a happy squeal. "Ooh! A Pikachu plushie! SOOOOOOO CUTE!" She gave Ash a hug, then proceeded to open Clemont's gift to her. "Buneary pyjamas! You're the best Clemont!" she said happily, giving him a hug too.

Everyone else began to open their presents. Clemont had received a new set of tools, and Serena got some new accessories for her showcases. Serena had also made a whole table full of Pokepuffs for all the Pokemon, and they all sat around the table in the kitchen at shared them.

Bonnie had drawn a picture of all of them together with their Pokemon, and placed it in the branches of the tree. "It's beautiful Bonnie," Serena said, smiling. Clemont nodded in agreement. Bonnie smiled happily. "Thanks you guys!"

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