Bob's Intro (not so detailed)

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I have 14 years of teenage angst in me that I built up in school.

No one likes school.

You can find me at @maliceity, but I prefer to be called Bob. The origins of this name is very disturbing.

Also, I'm female.

But my bio says I'm also male so we'll just take it as I'm both.

So I got into anime early this year, I can't remember how. (I'm trying to remember as I type this). OH YES.  *snaps finger. KAICHOU WA MAID SAMA.  ok, so I first watched it when I was in Macau in p2 or 3 (???) and lil ol'me decided it seemed very interesting. Also Usui is VERY attractive. So I was watched it. And then one day it popped back into my mind so I was like u let's do this shizz

It ended too soon. I mean, 26 episodes and 1 ova? Nu-uh. So I read the entire manga over the night and slept at 3am. But obviously it wasn't enough so i watched the closest thing to KWMS, Special A!

Btw I ship Yahiro and Megumi (screw akira). Don't kill me.

I guess my first few animes were

-sailor moon (sailor Saturn she's so cool)
-Sugar sugar rune (thanks mom. Funfact : I named my dog Keke after of the character's Chinese Subtitle name)
-Chibi Maruko Chan (Cantonese version because TV in Macau is trash.)

Before you guys assume I'm from Macau, I'm not. I just studied there for 4-5 years. I'm actually from a smol lil island.

Yes, yes I'm done.

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