Beach day pt.2

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Lydia's POV
"I know that you know that Ally",i smile slightly and she smiles back. "You know who loves you?",she asks. "Who?" "I, I love you Lydia",she smiles. "I love you too Allison",i smile back and hug her. "Oh my gosh, are you cheating on me,with your best friend",Scott fake screams and Ally and i pull away from each other. "Maybe,i know that she will love me.",Allison states. "You know what babe. I will always love you till i die",Scott grins and kiss her. I stand up and go to Stiles. "Come on we leave them alone for a while",i whisper. He nods and we walk down the beach. Stiles hands me my Strawberry milkshake. "Thanks",i smile. "Sure. You're the only person, beside Scott, who knows me best",he smiles. "You know what?! I have the same feeling, you know me best, besides Allison.",i smile back. He stops. "Hey Stiles, are you okay?",i ask and turn around. "Yeah i'm fine Lyds, could we go?",he asks. I nod and dial Ally's number. "It's me. Can you take my and Stiles stuff? — thanks Ally.",i say and end the call. "She takes our stuff. Let's go",i say and look at Stiles,who's smiling. "Thank you Lydia",he smiles. I smile back and grab his hand. "Like i said",Stiles mumbles and we walk to his jeep. He opens the passenger side for me and i get in. He jogs around the car and starts to drive. I lay my hand on his thigh. "Stiles?",i say softly. "Yeah.",he answers and looks at my hand,i take it away. "Sorry",i say. "No don't apologize",he says and grabs my hand. "I'm sorry",i mumble when i notice that we arrive at the cemetery,i get out and go to Stiles. "Need a hug?",i ask. He didn't answer. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer. "I'm here,with you. You're not alone baby",i whisper in his ear and wrap my arms around his neck. "Thank you princess",he answers and pulls away. "Should i wait or do you want to come with you?",i ask him politely. He grabs my hand and interlaces his fingers with mine. "You're my anchor",Stiles answers,which causes me to smile. We go to Claudia's grave. Stiles squeezes my hand when we stand in front of it. "Hey Mom",he smiles slightly and i can see tears in his eyes. "I love you",he sobs. I hug him tightly. "I know that she loves you too Stiles",i whisper. We pull away but our faces are just inches away. He leans his forehead against mine. "Let us go back to the beach",he says and i nod. We go back to Roscoe and drive back to the beach. "Stiles?",i ask when we get out of her. "Yes",he answers. "Can you carry me?",i ask again. "Sure. Hop on",Stiles answers and i hop on his back. "Hold on spider monkey",he grins. I haven't see this grin for years. The last time i've seen this grin we were young.

We played hide & seek in his garden with Ally and Scott. Claudia and Sheriff Stilinski sat on garden chairs. It was Stiles turn to seek and i sat giggling behind the big apple tree. "I found you Lyds",he smirked as he found me. "Yeah i think so. Let us find Ally and Scotty",i grinned. "Alright. Hop on",Stiles said and i hopped on his back. "Don't fall spider monkey",he grinned "I don't fall if you don't let me fall",i answer. "I would never let you fall princess",Stiles smiles at me.

When i was back in reality, i notice that i sit between Stiles legs. My beg against his chest. "Hey Stiles, Hey Lydia",Scott greets us when he and Allison get out the water. "Where you at the cemetery?",Allison asks carefully and i nod. "I'm sorry bro",Scott says. "I'm fine. I have my anchor with me",Stiles answers and i smile. I cuddle a bit in his chest and he wraps his arms around me. His muscular arms comfort me suddenly. He lays his chin on my head. "Are you alright?",i ask him. "Yeah. I'm okay. Would you please stop asking",he answers. "I don't ask because i'm feeling sorry. I ask because i care about you.",i say. "Thank you",Stiles says softly and pulls me closer to him. My heart starts to flutter when i can feel his abs. I don't want this moment to stop. "We're going to JR's, do you two wanna come with us",Ally asks. I look in Stiles' eyes and i already know the answer. "No we stay here a bit longer",he answers for us. Allison gives me a look that means "i call you later" i nod and she goes with Scott. I cuddle back in his chest. "Lydia?" "Yes" "Thank you for being my anchor",he smiles. "I'm feeling honored to be your anchor Stiles",i smile back. "Alright. Let's talk about this baby thing",he says with a sassy grin. "Oh Gosh. Stilinski that was a reflex"i blush. "A cute one",he grin. "So and what about the princess thing?!",i counter. "Reflex",he answers simply. "Touché. I want a real answer",i say. "Fine. Do you remember your fourth birthday?",he asks and i nod. "You was dressed as Arielle,so you was a princess and you still are one",Stiles explains. "Aww that's sweet",i say and kiss his upper arm. "Why?",he ask. "Because i can't reach your cheek",i answer and roll my eyes. "My short,green eyed,smart, strawberry blonde princess",he smiles. "My tall,caramel eyed,smart,selfish,hot prince",i say. He picks me up,bridal style and carries me into the water. "We're go swimming.",Stiles states. "Okay",i smile and jump from his arms. I start swimming and immediately i have one thought in my head and look to Stiles. "You have the same thought?",i ask and he nods. "Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming",we both sing and start laughing after that. "I love you",Stiles says out of nowhere. I look at him,a little shocked. "I love you too",i answer. I don't know if this is real or not but i meant it how i said it. "I know what you think but i meant it like i said it",he says. "I..i..i",i stutter. He lays his hands on my waist and connects our lips. I jump at him and wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck to be at the same height as he is. We pull away. "Since third grade Lyds. I'm in love with you since the freaking third grade",i grins widely. "Do you want to say,that we lost a few years because we didn't talk about our feelings.",i yell, which cause him to laugh. "Yes probably",he answer. "So spider monkey do you want to be my princess",he asks. "I am already your princess",i answer and kiss him again. This was the best beach day ever!!!!!!

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