Chapter 1-The Bump

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"I can't believe I'm in L.A.! What should we do first?" Allison said getting out of the car.

"Girl, you just got off the plane and it's dark out! Come inside and sit down for awhile. We don't have to do anything right away." Her friend tried to get her to go inside and sit down but Allison was too excited.

"Emily! I don't want to sit down! I want to go explore the city! I'm only here for four days and I need to make the most of it!"

"Okay, okay, we can go explore. Where to?" Emily said getting back in the car.

"I don't know, I've never been here. I have no idea where to go." Allison said also getting back in the car.

"Okay, then I will surprise you." Emily had moved out to L.A. about a year ago. Leaving poor Allison in freezing cold Minnesota. Allison was happy for the amazing job offer Emily got right out of college, but was upset she was losing her best friend since birth. They grew up together and went to the same schools together. When Emily finally agreed upon a date that Allison could fly out, Allison booked it faster than the words that came out of Emily's mouth. She will only be here in L.A. for four days but to Allison four days will be enough time to catch up with her best friend.

When she was finally pulled from her thoughts, Allison looked out her window to see a long line of people outside a cool looking building. "Where are we?" She asked amazed.

"This is a very popular club in L.A. for a 'special' type of play so I thought I should bring you to it, Alli." Emily said grinning.

"But I'm not dressed for a club!"

"I know, that's why we still have your suitcase in my backseat." Emily said gesturing to it, "go get back there and find something cute but club appropriate."

Allison climbed into the backseat as Emily fixed her make up, already looking like she was ready to dance. When Alli was done changing they got out of the car and walked across the street to the club. Allison was starting to walk to the end of the line but Emily stopped her, "Alli, come back over here."

"But don't we have to go to the back of the line?" Alli was totally confused.

"No, the business I work for now has its perks when it comes to entertainment for the employees." Emily walked to the front of the line, looking very confident, "hi, Barry, me and a plus one tonight. A friend from out of town is visiting so I thought I should bring her here."

"Of course, ma'am, enjoy your night." The security guard said not looking Emily in the eyes, showing exactly how submissive he really was.

Allison looked amazed, who knew her friend could do something like that in L.A.! Before they were about to walk into the club Allison "bumped" into a guy. She didn't actually bump into him since he kinda just pushed her and kept walking; either way, Allison was on the ground rubbing her wrist in pain. Before Barry could get over to her, a couple of guys came rushing over to see if she was okay. Allison was too embarrassed to look at the guys since she just got to L.A. and was pushed to the ground. Although, when the two guys got closer everyone started screaming.

"Hey, pretty lady, we saw that guy push you down. Are you okay?" The first guy sounded so sweet and small.

"Yeah, we ran over as fast as we could to see if you're alright." The other guy sounded so familiar but Allison couldn't place the voice, but before she could answer the second guy was lifting her up off the ground.

When he steadied her, Allison finally had the chance to look at who the two guys were. "Y-y-y-you're Z-Z-Z-Zac Efron and and and Dave Franco!" Allison was so excited she fainted, luckily Zac was ready to catch her.

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