Chapter 8

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It has been a few weeks since Allison has moved out to L.A. and in with Zac. All of her belongings she shipped from Minnesota had arrived at Zac's home and was unpacked. Zac and Allison have been using their time together to get to know more about each other, their passions, dreams, and what they want out of this relationship. It was important for both of them to voice their wants, needs, and boundaries involving kink but also in their romantic relationship as well. Allison expressed that she wanted a semi 24/7 dynamic that was more of a female-led relationship rather than a strict d/s dynamic; Zac agreed with that dynamic since he will be starting to film a new movie in a  week and wouldn't be able to do 24/7. They came up with a list of rules for their relationship that should be followed to the best of their abilities at all times.

1. Zac is not allowed to cum without Allison's permission

2. Zac is not allowed to tell Allison "No" unless his outside life requires it

3. Both are to keep their kinky side private; nothing kink related on social media or in public

4. Allison will check on Zac everyday he is away by call, text, video call, etc.

5. Zac will refer to Allison as Miss or Mistress while alone, but Ali, Allison, or pet names (sweetie, honey, etc.) in public

6. Allison will refer to Zac as Pup or boy while alone, but Zac, Zachary, or pet names in public

7. Punishments will be given to Zac for any bad behaviors or rules broken

8. Zac should be clean and shaven when he comes home from a trip and every other day when home

9. Allison will make most if not all the decisions in their relationship with Zac's opinion when needed

10. Their relationship comes first; kink comes second

Once the rules were discussed thoroughly and agreed upon by both parties, Allison and Zac signed the bottom of the paper before placing it in an envelope and dresser drawer up in the master bathroom. Both were happy with the rules and knew all of them were up for discussion if a problem ever occurred. Now it was time to begin implementing the rules into their everyday lives. 

Allison woke up and rolled over to cuddle her puppy, but to her surprise he was not in bed with her. This was the first time Allison had ever woken up without Zac in bed beside her. Perhaps she had overslept and he was just getting ready for the day. Wouldn't he have woken her up though? Before Allison had anymore time to think about why her pup was not in bed with her, Zac quietly walked into the room carrying a tray with breakfast on it. Allison smiled as she sat up in bed, "Oh, Pup, you're so sweet!"

Zac blushed as he placed the tray on Allison's lap and then moved down to the foot of the bed. "Thank you, Miss, I hope you enjoy it," Zac said as he began massaging Allison's feet. 

"Oh! That feels wonderful, Pup!" Allison said in between bites of waffle. The two of them sat there while Allison finished her breakfast; Zac massaged her feet the whole time she ate her breakfast. Allison went to move the tray off of her but Zac got up quickly to do it for her, "Such a sweet puppy you are."

"Anything for you, Mistress, I want today to be all about you," Zac blushed as he walked towards the door.

"Oh, you're so sweet, Pup. Why is today so special?" Allison asked before Zac could walk away.

"Because today is our last full day together."

Allison mentally face palmed herself; how could she forget that tomorrow was the start of Zac's filming schedule for the new movie. Oh, the fun she is going to have with him today! Allison began thinking about all the things she can do to Zac before he leaves. A short time later, Zac came back up the stairs and into the master bedroom. He got on the bed and sat next to Allison before speaking, "Did you forget I was going to start filming tomorrow?"

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