Chapter Twenty-six: First Outing

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"Man I can't believe this shit" Dre sucked his teeth as he struggled to button his cufflinks.

"I forgot how fine you actually were, see how much of a difference a tailored suit can make." Toni said walking out the walk-in closet as she put on her earrings.

"Shut up."

"Need some help?" She asked Dre who looked upset with the world as he fought with the cufflinks. "Quit acting like a baby you look nice..Thank you for wearing it" she smiled

"Mhmm I guess you welcome" he responded

"Lose the attitude nigga."

"Get smacked yo."

"Yeah okay." She said rolling her eyes. "I'll be dressed in like fifteen minutes and then we can go. I'm so excited!" She said like a little kid

(Toni and Dre's outfits in the mm)

Man I feel rich as fuck in this silk Versace shit! We decided to take the Bentley cause lowkey I actually like these clothes and I felt like the Bentley went with my fit. We pulled up to the party and Toni made us wait in the car for fifteen minutes talking about she wanted to make an entrance, I swear it's something wrong with her.

Soon as I stepped out the car all these cameras immediately started flashing in my face. "Dre! Dre! Dr.Dre over here!" The paparazzi called out to me crowding around me with their cameras repeatedly flashing. I could barely see that shit was blinding me, they gotta move.

"Aye man I'll answer all y'all questions with no problem but y'all gotta give me three feet." I said making the reporters step back away from the car. Walking around to the other side of the car I opened the door for my baby. She looks fucking beautiful tonight.

As soon as she stepped out the car it was like the flashes multiplied. I really can't see now!

We walked down the red carpet as all the reporters and paparazzi bombarded us with questions.

Radio host Wendy Williams called us over for an interview. "Awe shit" I said under my breath

"Baby be nice please." Toni whispered in my ear

"Oh my goodness! Hi it's the newlyweds Dr. Dre and Toni Braxton! How are you two?" Wendy asked

"We're doing well thank you." Toni responded

"Toni congratulations on the album going double platinum! I hear both of you are up for Grammys this year is that correct?" She asked

"Yea we both up for awards this year." I said nodding my head

"Wonderful, wonderful, now alright explain to me how this whole marriage thing came about. Because when I found out you two were together I was shocked! I mean you guys are from two totally different worlds." Wendy commented

Toni looked up at me speechless not knowing how to answer the question. We never took the time to actually talk about what we would tell the media concerning how we ended up being married in the first place.

"We actually have a lot in common." I said draping my arm over her shoulder. "I mean yeah we different when it comes to certain things but that's what I love about her. I got her and she got me, this my baby." She looked at me and smiled reaching up she grabbed ahold of my face planting a kiss on my lips.

"Oh my goodness! There you have it I'm at a lost for words. Congratulations on all your success with your album Toni I wish you two the best at the Grammys this year! Come stop by the station when you're in New York I'll let you guys go and enjoy the party." She said as we walked off entering the venue.

"See baby it wasn't that bad was it?" I asked as we walked up the stairs hand and hand

"Nah it wasn't, but I still don't like her." He responded making me chuckle

"Don't be mean." I slapped him in his chest as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Baby you really meant everything you said back there?" I questioned

"Yeah you know I don't play went it come to you."

"I love youuu."

"I love you too." He said as we shared a long lingering kiss. "Now quit it with all this sentimental shit and let's get you drunk I'm tryna have some multi platinum sex tonight." He said moving his hands down grabbing my ass

"You're such a pig!" I said shocked at what he just said making him laugh as we walked into the club

"HEYYY!" Everybody yelled as we walked into the club

"Ladies and gentlemen we have the beautiful honoree of the night and my homie my billionaire boy Dr. Dre who just stepped in the building!" The DJ said over the mic

Everyone greeted us as we sat down in the VIP and started ordering drinks.

"Tone!" I heard someone yell my name I look up and it was Kenny coming towards our booth

"Kenny!" I said as I jumped up and hugged him

"Baby! Baby come here!" I called pulling Dre over to where me and Kenny was at. "This is Kenny, Kenny this is Dre." I looked between them as I introduced them.

"We've crossed paths before, how you feeling man?" Dre said as they dapped each other up

"Aye man keep taking care of my sis, I ain't seen her this happy in a long time." Kenny said

"Man you ain't gotta tell me twice I already know what I got." Dre said as he planted a kiss on my forehead

The party went on through out the night and we drink and danced the night away. Everybody who was anybody showed up to congratulate me. I'm surprised this many people still support me after the whole bankruptcy thing. Even mommy showed up which surprised me because she hates stuff like this. But she left early with Towanda, Towanda came in here with an attitude like she didn't want to be here congratulated me and quickly left. I honestly don't know what her problem is but tonight is not the night to figure it out. Everyone who wanted to be here is here and that's all that matters.

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